7th Grade Boy Speeches

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Thank you for nominating me to be the 7th grade boy student of the year. I'll like to explain to you why I think I should be the seventh grade student of the year. First of all, I try to help the people in school as best as I can. Also, i'm a team player in baseball. Lastly, i'm a perseverer if one thing doesn't work then i'll go onto the next thing that might mork. That is why I think I should be The 7 grade boy student of the Year.

I help people in school if there struggling because I never like to see my fellow classmates to be streast. First, helping classmates puts less stress on the teacher. This lets the class run smooth and consistent throughout the day. Also, when a classmate has dropped there stuff on the ground I stop and help pick up the classmate has dropped.This makes the hallways less hetek because stuff is not flying all over the place and it keeps people from getting hurt. Lastly, I always ask the teacher if they need any help if I finish early instead of sitting around and doing nothing. This gives me something productive to do after finishing something instead of just sitting around doing nothing. That is only one reason why I think I should be 7th grade boy student of the year. …show more content…

First of all, I support my team. Supporting my team helps my teammates if feeling down. Also, playing baseball allows me to do something productive in my life instead of always looking at a computer screen or watching TV. Playing baseball me to be social and a team player ladder down in life. Lastly, Baseball allows me to be me. Baseball keeps me less stressed about school or work it's a wakeup call for me to be ready for the next day. That is only one of many reasons why I think I should be 7th grade boy student of the

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