7 Day Trial Report

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WEN by Chaz Dean, Putting it to the Test Emily McClure of Bustle.com recently did a 7-day trial test of what many of us have heard of or seen infomercials. She decided to use the WEN Cleansing Conditioner on her thin, fine hair and then documented its effect over a week long period. Her results were fairly informative. Day one started after she got home with a head full of frizzy travel-hair. You know the kind, when you’ve spent all day out and about in the sun running errands, or all afternoon in a car or on a plain. By the end of the day your beautiful style has morphed into something a little more unruly. She applied a generous amount of WEN Cleansing Conditioner in the shower and let it sit the recommended time, and then rinsed, and blow-dried

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