3 Things To Describe Me

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The Characteristics That Make Me Awesome Living in this world does not come with a template and every individual has a personal approach. Different people co-exist with others by employing their various tools of interaction. Some are violent and full of drama, while others seamlessly integrate into every situation. I have found out that the formula which works for me involves being funny, sarcastic and displaying self-confidence, attributes that can be used to define my life. The best characteristic that can be used to describe me is that I have a sense of humor; I am funny. No simple explanation can be used to define why some people are funny, and others are not, but everyone reacts in capturing a moment can be defined as the source of fun. …show more content…

Like being funny, infusing the element of sarcasm in conversations helps individuals to be alert in all situations. I have found that instead of criticizing the ideas of others openly, employing an element of sarcasm help others to get the drift and avoid personal confrontation. Every joke I tell, I may have some in it. Every time I tell a story at work,school, or even when I'm with my friends, I always have to add some sarcasm into it. Like I would always add a “noooo” or a “duh” in my stories. Being sarcastic has helped me to evade some of the pressures in life as I can avoid weighing my heart down with different pressures by pursuing a contrary angle. When I am expected to be grieving, I find snide remarks that downplay the seriousness of the situation. It has gave me the chance to laugh at every situation and escape from being consumed by oscillations of despair, celebrations, and grief. My parents were sarcastic when I was younger and they still are, that is where I get all my sarcasm from. Every time I ask a question in my household, I should always expect a sarcastic answer from

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