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Description on virtue ethics
The role of ethics in corporate governance
Ethics in corporate governance
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Question 1. Identify and define three ethical frameworks discussed by Halbert & Ingulli. Provide a detailed and documented example of a corporate executive using each of these frameworks.
1. Free Market Ethics: deals with the consideration of only shareholders and the profit for which they receive. (Halbert & Ingulli, 2008, pg. 10) In other words, the greed of the shareholders is only of concern and not the community in which the company stands.
2. Deontology Ethics: deals with the “respect for life, fairness, telling the truth, keeping promises – no matter the consequences.” (Halbert & Ingulli, 2008, pg. 14) It essentially goes with the belief that duty and rights come before the consequences of the action.
3. Virtue Ethics: deals with who
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people can ultimately become based upon good habits of character learned from a lifetime of conditioning. (Halbert & Ingulli, 2008, pg. 16) Virtues to learn would be to become courageous, generous, kind, just, honest, among others. In regards to Philip Morris, ethics take a back seat to billion dollar tobacco industry. The Department of Justice filed a lawsuit back in 1999 against Philip Morris for fraud and unlawful conduct as well as reimbursement of medical expenses related to tobacco. (“United States v. Philip Morris (D.O.J. Lawsuit),” n.d.) Philip Morris was accused and convicted of misleading the public about the health issues regarding smoking and second-hand smoke, the addictiveness of nicotine, deceptive marketing, targeting youth, and not providing a healthier cigarette. (“United States v. Philip Morris (D.O.J. Lawsuit),” n.d.) The executives of Philip Morris is completely in favor of the Free Market ethics and Milton Friedman’s philosophies. The previous sentence is in the present tense because, even though the United States has curbed most of this, Philip Morris is finding other global markets to do the same thing they did to the American public that caused the lawsuit in 1999. (AmongSnares, 2012) They want make sure that their profits continue beyond the steady decline in the United States over the past decade. Indonesia, among other countries, are being hard hit with cigarette advertising for Marlboro and Sampoerna Mild which is made by Philip Morris. Indonesia does not have the same restrictions and guidelines that the United States does as they are allowed to sell cigarettes to children. There is even a story of a 2-year old child who smoked like an adult. They promote sex and individualism as well as being a “cowboy” to young and old alike. (AmongSnares, 2012) They simply want their profits regardless of the health risks. However, Philip Morris is not in favor of deontology ethics. They do not have a respect for life as seen by the billions of people that they kill slowly throughout the world. Philip Morris was forced to tell the truth to the American people about the effects of smoking but they certainly do not tell the truth to the current global market that they are selling their cigarettes to. They do not tell them any risks at all. It is not until people are in the hospital fighting for their lives and finding out that it all had to do with them smoking since they were eight years old because they were not told that smoking was bad for people’s health. (AmongSnares, 2012) Nor does Philip Morris favor virtue ethics. It seems as though the people who work for Philip Morris were not taught any morals at all…certainly not anything regarding good habits of character. Who could in good conscience say that they are willing to kill the people of the world simply to put money in their own pockets if they had any character at all? Being virtuous also means that you care about others and nothing that Philip Morris portrays in the past or present says that they care about others. They only care about themselves and their greed. Question 2. Discuss Schaefer's position on shareholders and social responsibility. Do you agree? Why or why not? Brian Schaefer argues against Milton Friedman’s philosophy that corporations have no moral obligation or duty to share social responsibility. Shareholders tend to benefit from a corporation if its sole purpose is to please the shareholder and make as much money as possible. (Schaefer, 2008) Schaefer argues that the main goal of a corporation is to benefit its stakeholders regardless of the profit the corporation makes. He also argues that corporations tend to deceive and manipulate customers, clients, and investors which would benefit the shareholders but it should be that the corporation “do the right thing” and be truthful to its customers, clients, and investors which the stakeholders would approve of. (Schaefer, 2008) Schaefer argues that several of the ethical frameworks that make up Western society including the Judeo-Christianity philosophy says the complete opposite of Milton Friedman’s philosophy. (Schaefer, 2008) I agree with Schaefer as I am of the moral inclination of the Judeo-Christian “philosophy.” I believe that if a corporation is to be a “person” in and of itself, it should have a moral responsibility to its members, customers, clients, investors, and shareholders. Being honest and truthful with no deceit is how each person and corporation should act. Unfortunately, most of Western society has transformed its moral ethics into a “Me, Me, Me” society. It has become more about greed than helping others. Question 3. Discuss three factors that Maffei identified as elements the court will use in determining whether to pierce the corporate veil. a. The Absence of Corporate Formalities: This is when the corporation must be seen as legally separate from the shareholders / owner. Examples of such separation should be seen in that the corporate books must be kept, there should be regular corporate meetings, election of directors and appointments of officers, corporate records should be kept, and stocks should be issued. (Maffei, 2011, pg. 111) For example, in the case Brown vs. Knowles that I posted about in Week 7, Mr. Brown could not provide corporate records for International Steel, there were no corporate meetings held since 1988, and several other non-formalities were used to allow the court to pierce their corporate veil. b. Personal Use and Comingling of Corporate Funds: This is in regards to corporate finances and assets and the personal finances and assets of the shareholders / owners should remain separate. (Maffei, 2011, pg. 111) For example, I know for a fact that my previous employer consistently used corporate finances for his own personal use by using the corporate credit card to buy upgrades for his personal car that he had no intention of using for the business itself. I have no idea if anyone will bring this up in court. c.
Inadequate Capitalization: A corporation should have enough capital to run itself. (Maffei, 2011, pg. 112) The business that the corporation conducts should prove that it can sustain itself no matter what sector the business is in.
Question 4. Identify and discuss two major laws that are enforced by the Department of Labor.
a. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): this legislation entitles eligible employees of companies with 50 or more employees, to receive unpaid leave based upon adoption/birth/sickness of a child or sickness of the employee or person in their immediate family (i.e. spouse or parent) for up to 12 weeks. (United States Department of Labor, n.d.)
b. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH): Employers are required to provide a safe and healthy work environment free from serious hazards to their employees. Employers must comply with the regulations and standards promoted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (United States Department of Labor, n.d.)
Question 5. Define and discuss three disadvantages of sole proprietorship, according to the assigned reading from the Missouri Bar Center.
a. The sole proprietor is personally liable for all debts of the business. Creditors can go after personal belongings to fulfill debts of the business. (Missouri Bar Center,
2008) b. All income of the business is taxed on the sole proprietor’s personal income tax return. Their personal taxes are not separated or protected from the business as it would be if the business were a partnership or corporation. (Missouri Bar Center, 2008) c. Obtaining funds for the sole proprietor usually involves borrowing money from a bank instead of being able to obtain funds from investors and partners or issuing stock and bonds. (Missouri Bar Center, 2008)
Sometimes in life there are instances in which and individual must make a decision that will question their moral fiber. These instances could vary from whether or not to help others in need, decide whether an action is right or wrong or even when deciding who should live and who must die. How does one logically reason to an ethnical conclusion to these situations?
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave and job protection for childbirth, adoption or foster care; to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, or parent; or for an employee’s own serious illness (Cañas & Sondak, 2011). It also requires that their group health benefits remain intact during the unpaid leave of absence. The employee must have worked for the employer for at least a year and must have earned 1,250 hours of service during the previous 12 months ((Cañas & Sondak, 2011, pg. 70).
The FMLA was passed to help families in the time of a crisis so that the individuals would not have to choose between work and personal responsibilities. The eligible employees are permitted to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. The leave can last up to twelve workweeks in any twelve-month period. Reasons for leave include: pregnancy, prenatal complications, adoption/ fostering of a child, hospitalization, care of an immediate family member, or a health condition that makes the employee unable to do his or her job (Solis). This law applies to any employer “engaging in commerce” ...
Occupational Safety and Health Administration also known as OSHA is a U.S. regulatory agency that is used to implement the safety of employees, patients and the enviro...
The OSH Act gave OSHA the authority to come into work places and inspect facilities for health and safety risks. Due to shortages in personnel, OSHA inspects accidents and safety complaints that are filed, and those facilities that have a high volume of accident rates. If an individual state has an approved safety and health enforcement plan, then they may be exempt from yearly inspections by OSHA and have their own state personnel conduct the inspections. The Act sets a maximum penalty for safety and health violations, but OSHA has the authority to calculate fines. If an industry objects to the citation or fine, they can go before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.
I hail from Ukraine, the country that is still not a member of the European Union, nevertheless is definitely a European country. Therefore, I have always been interested in the EU laws, policies, priorities, regulations and so on to contrast Ukrainian reality with that of the EU states. Now I live and study in the country I have always had an innate and subconscious love to – the USA, the country known as the country of big opportunities. As the result, I became increasingly interested in the US laws and regulations, in particular employment and labor laws. To combine these two passions I decided to prepare a paper that compares the US and EU labor and employment laws.
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Created to help employers and employees reduce on the job injuries, illness, and death. Since OSHA was created work place deaths have decreased by 60%, injuries and illness have been decreased by 40%. It has beneficially lowered training cost due to fewer replacement workers, and overtime has also been decreased. OSHA directs national compliance in occupational Health and Safety. Workers compliance Insurance cost, medical cost, and decreased payouts to Return- to- work programs all reduce when Employers / companies stay safe and healthy in the work environment.
(8) U.S. Dept. of Labor, Family and Medical Leave Act – Wage and Hour Division (WHD) (http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/), 2013, Website
Deontology is an ethical theory concerned with duties and rights. The founder of deontological ethics was a German philosopher named Immanuel Kant. Kant’s deontological perspective implies people are sensitive to moral duties that require or prohibit certain behaviors, irrespective of the consequences (Tanner, Medin, & Iliev, 2008). The main focus of deontology is duty: deontology is derived from the Greek word deon, meaning duty. A duty is morally mandated action, for instance, the duty never to lie and always to keep your word. Based on Kant, even when individuals do not want to act on duty they are ethically obligated to do so (Rich, 2008).
Rule deontologists believe conventionality to common moral standards based on logical ethicalness, were as act deontologist judges the morality or ethics. Employees are recognise whether their particular actions are right or wrong, apart from the consequences. Those who are involved with fraud advantage by their pitiable option but in the long run they may face prison charges. Virtue ethics explain that ethical behaviour engaged, not only remain to predictable moral values but also allowing for what a person could do with good ethical quality. Elements of virtue significant to organisation transactions are to be trust, self-control and
Deontological ethics are “ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2018). This viewpoint focuses more on the action itself rather than the outcome. Per Kant’s Categorical Imperative one should “so act that you treat humanity in your own person and in the person of everyone else always at the same time as an end and never merely as means” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2018). An example of this is that killing is wrong, even if it is in self-defense. Many of the values and morals of the ELI Responsibilities Lens are based on the deontological
Here are some Critical Thinking Questions to help you familiarize yourself with Chapter 2! (This is not an assignment, just an exercise to help you become more comfortable with the chapter).
As a function, ethics is a philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct, and of the rules and principles it should govern. As a system, ethics are a social, religious, or civil code of behavior considered correct by a particular group, profession, or individual. As an instrument, ethics provide perspective regarding the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, or potential outcomes. Ethical decision-making can include many types, including deontological (duty), consequentialism (including utilitarianism), and virtue ethics. Additionally, subsets of relativism, objectivism, and pluralism seek to understand the impact of moral diversity on a human level. Although distinct differences separate these ethical systems, organizations
Discuss how the ethics thread is supported and/or refuted by the ethical theories discussed in class and the professional codes of ethics.
After the employer has received the employees thirty day notice the employer may then see if the request qualifies for FMLA. The request may only be qualified for specific reasons such as child birth, adoption, fostering of a child, serious health conditions of the employee, seriously injured or ill immediate family member, or an immediate family member who is called to active duty. If both expecting parents work in the same workplace they equally will divide their leave of absence between the two of