Empathy and 19th Century Religious Movements

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19th Century New Religious Movements Analysis Religion is one of the touchiest subjects for people to discuss. When it comes to religion most people are set in their ways, and can only see things from the perspective that they have been taught to have on certain things. The word “empathy” comes to mind when I think about some of the nineteenth-century religious movements, and all of the heat that they have had to take in the past for what they believe. The definition of the word empathy is, “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” Empathy is something that is extremely hard for many people to have when it comes to a religion besides their own, especially when that group has some very distinctive practices that effect …show more content…

Their leader Joseph Smith became very power hungry, which in turn lead him to start talking about running for president. This scared some people who had and used their ability to put Smith to shame. A small printing press found out about the practice of polygamy in the church, and outed Smith for it. This became the beginning of his end. I think that polygamy is something that upset so many people because it is way outside the norm for Americans. In other cultures in other countries it is a practice that is okay, but in America marriage is seen as something that is between one man and one women. When people break this tradition people get upset, which has been shown in recent years with the uproar of legalizing gay marriage. Marriage is something that is seen as sacred and holy, which is another huge reason that the Latter Day Saints were so upsetting to so many people. They are not the only religious movement from the nineteenth century that upset people …show more content…

These two beliefs cause a lot of adversity with americans who do not practice the same religion. In America holidays are a way for people to come together and celebrate, so when people do not celebrate things like Christmas and birthday’s it is hard for some to understand. Public school is a place where Valentines Day, Halloween, Saint Patricks Day, Birthdays, and many more holidays and occasions are celebrated with a party, food, and games. This goes to show that every young child in America is programmed to celebrate things, so when people who do not celebrate things come around, people are automatically somewhat weary of

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