12 Minute Test Essay

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The Cooper 12 minute
The Cooper 12 minute run test is one of the popular field tests used for measuring aerobic fitness. Invented by Dr Ken Cooper in 1968, this fitness test was firstly used to estimate the VO2max of troops in the military. Dr Cooper discovered that there was a high correlation between a person's VO2max value and the distance they can run. This test is still very popular in the military as it is used for testing basic fitness. Over the years, it has also been used by trainers and coaches to verify track and cardiovascular fitness.
The athlete warms up for approximately 10 minutes .The assistant gives the command “GO”, then starts the stopwatch and the athlete or athletes begin the test. The assistant keeps the athlete informed of the remaining time at the end of each lap (400m). The …show more content…

The aim of this test is to measure the flexibility of a joint, which is important for injury prevention and execution of many sporting movements .To measure the range of motion at a joint, the centre of the goniometer is positioned at the axis of rotation of a joint, and the arms of the goniometer are aligned with the long axis of the bones of the adjacent segments or to an external reference. The measurement is the angle in degrees as read off the goniometer. The goniometer is commonly used by physiotherapists, physicians, physical therapists, physiologists, athletic trainers, chiropractors and sport scientists.

Only one piece of equipment is needed, this means, that you may not need to involve others in this test.
It is sometimes difficult to position and maintain the arms of the goniometer along the bones of the segments throughout the measurement, and the axis of rotation is not always clear, especially for complex

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