1. What Is The Most Important Inorganic Compounds?

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1. What is the most important inorganic compound? List and describe three characteristics of it. Explain why it has these characteristics. There are many important inorganic compounds that exist, but of them is much more important than the others. That compound is water. Water is the most important inorganic compound, and has three dinstinctive traits. Those are adhesion, cohesion, and capillarity. Adhesion gives water the ability to stick to different surfaces. Cohesion allows water to stick to water. Finally, capillarity, which is a result of the other two, lets water climb up tiny tubes against gravity.

2. Define monomer and polymer. A monomer is one a building block for different molecules. A polymer, …show more content…

C6H12O6 is the molecular formula for what three compounds? How can they have the same formula yet be different substances? The formula C6H12O6 is the formula for glucose, fructose, and galacose. They can be different compounds, yet have the same molecular formula because each compound has their formula ordered a different way.

5. List three disaccharides, what they are made of, and their common names. There are three main disaccharides that from from the dehydration synthesis of two monosaccharides. They are sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Sucrose, or table sugar, is made from glucose and fructose. Lactose is made from glucose and galactose and is usually called dairy. Last, we have maltose, or malt sugar, which is formed by two molecules of glucose.
6. Differentiate between hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis. Dehydration synthesis is when enzymes take hydrogen and oxygen from two monosaccharides, making water, and causing the monosaccharides to stick together creating a disaccharide. Hydrolysis is when water is added to the disaccharide to make two monosaccharides again.

7. Name three polysaccharides, what they are made of, where they are found, …show more content…

Name and describe three types of lipids. Three types of lipids include triglycerides, waxes, and steroids. Triglycerides are composed of three fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol, or alcohol. Waxes are composed of a long fatty acid chain and an alcohol chain. Steroids are made of four carbon rings, and are found in asthma medications and venoms from many poisionous creatures.

13. What are the main elements found in proteins? Proteins are made up from the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, or C,H,O,N.

14. The elements form compounds that are the monomers of proteins.
These monomers are called amino acids and have an amine group NH2 and a carboxyl group COOH.

15. What type of bonding holds amino acids together in a polypeptide or protein? Amino acids have the same form of bonding as carbohydrates; dehydration synthesis. The bond actually formed is called a peptide bond.

16. Some proteins act as biological catylysts. They are called enzymes.

17. Enzymes lower the rate of reaction and are not used up in the reaction.

18. The proteins are the substances the enzyme affects. It binds at the region known as the active site. This forms the enzyme-substrate

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