US Action During the Cold War

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The United States from the Cold War and into the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) continues to face challenges in translating military might into political desires due to its obsession with raising an army, electing politicians and assembling a diplomatic corp that continue to gravitate towards State-to-State engagements that if not rectified could lead to substantial delays in fighting terrorism and non-terrorist adversaries or worse total failure of the United States Military’s ability to properly carry out it’s politicians objectives due to being blindsided.

Although focusing on State-to-State actions met President Reagan’s intent of bringing down the Iron Curtain through the build up of military might, enhanced nuclear power and increasing America’s overall power projection along with America’s recent and contnued demonstration of it’s military and political might through removal of dictators and through nation building to stabilize regions and create examples of democracies where dictators used to stand while taking into account nuances such as religion, politcs, ethnicity and tribal affiliation to move closer to winning the Global War on Terror (GWOT), America faces challenges now with the GWOT as it did during the Cold War as it attempts to translate military might into political desires due to it's obsession with raising an army, electing politicians and assembling a diplomatic corp with a distinct gravity towards State-to-State engagements that if not rectified could lead to repeat challenges and even failure should this same collection of leaders fail to adjust their narrowly focused preoccupation with State-to-State level actions which does not fully account for how the military deploys to meet political objectives, ...

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...d the manner in which we now show terrorism, terrorist and terror organizations. The Iron Curtain of the Cold War rose as quickly as the WTC towers fell, but neither were really a surprise. They were in the periphery and not a primary focus area, but we should have see them coming. Who is David...the non-State agent, organization, or group that we are still not seeing because we’re still seeking a battle with another Goliath?

Works Cited

9/11 Five Years Later Lesson 10, Reading 1

Delleman, P. Lesson 6, Reading 8

Edwards, L. Lesson 7, Reading 5

Gardner, N Lesson 3 , Reading 4

Hawkins, W. Lesson 8, Reading 1

Jones, S. Lesson 11, Reading 2

Nitze, P. Lesson 7, Reading 2

NSCT Lesson 10, Reading 2

Petraeus, D. Lesson 9, Reading 4

Schaub, G. Lesson 7, Reading 3

US National Security Strategy Lesson 1, Reading 5

West, Bing Lesson 8, Reading 5

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