To Stay Alive Essays

  • stay alive

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    The heavy darkness around me consumed everything, displaying but the shimmering reflection in the pools of blood I was walking in. The flashlight in my hand flickered out of life, leaving me in the never, ending blackness. I held my hands against the dry, lifeless wall hoping to be guided to an exit by it. Each step made me fear the worst, that the wall was going to end and I had nothing left to guide me. The smell of the place was horrific a mix of old, rusted metal, with decaying dryness from the

  • Examples Of Survival In The Hunger Games

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    Survive, to remain alive or existent, to function and prosper, to prevail. The true definition of survive, is none other than remaining alive, at all cost, people can go to lengths they thought was not possible. Some survive because maybe they have strength, smart, or just because they did what they must’ve needed to do, to prolong their hour of death, that will end their legacies. A quote that represents survival is, “Survival of the fittest”. The movie Hunger Games capture the quote very well

  • Epiphany in to Build a Fire

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    An Analysis of the Man’s Epiphany in "To Build a Fire" The short story "To Build a Fire," written by Jack London, is a tragic tale of an overconfident, inexperienced man traveling through the brutal, sub-freezing conditions of the Yukon with only the companionship of a dog. The man, un-named in this story, arrogantly decides to break from the main trail to take a less traveled route against the advice of the seasoned old-timer of Sulfur Creek, who warns of traveling alone in such severe conditions

  • A Small Free Kiss in the Dark by Glenda Millard and Tomorrow When the War Began

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    story as the characters watch their community being destroyed, and friendships being made in order to stay alive. Another similarity in the book and movie is that the characters have to go against their morals in order to decide what to do in certain situations. An example of this in the book is when Skip realises he would have to trespass and steal in order for him to keep himself and his friends alive. Or in...

  • Critical Response: Jack London

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    Build a Fire" is a story about a man who is traveling alone in the frozen Yukon.  He knows that it is not safe to be traveling when it is so cold, but stubbornly keeps moving.  He falls through a crack in the ice, wetting his feet.  In order to stay alive, he must build a fire, warm his feet and move on.  Despite several attempts, the man fails and dies.   Of the fourteen pages within "To Build a Fire," eight of those are devoted to the events of the man trying to make a fire; the other six mainly

  • To Build A Fire

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    'To Build a Fire'; In Jack London's, 'To Build a Fire';, it is obvious to see that as the story progresses, the man becomes more bestial. However at the same time the dog seems to gain the human quality of good sense. This quality of good sense, which the dog acquires, allows it to away from the same fate of the man. There are many examples of how this is portrayed as the story makes headway. The first example of how the man becomes more bestial occurs after his first fire fails. After his fire fails

  • Rhetorical Analysis Killing To Stay Alive

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    In the article “Killing to stay alive” the author details how hard it can be to balance the idea of ethics with the advancement of science. He says how difficult it can be to weigh whether the scientific gain is worth the lost lives of the animal test subjects. Ericson specifically looks at how being able to bioengineer genetics and mutations allows for even more discrepancies in animal research, as the gray area of ethics is expanded, and the definitive line of what is ethical and what is not is

  • Character Analysis Of Katniss

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    keep her family close, healthy and alive. An intriguing trait of Katniss is her rebellious attitude; she has caution for the rules but knows how far to bend them in order to stay safe and to survive. Suzanne Collins uses Katniss Everdeen to embody the underdog protagonist that is loved by all who reads the story. Katniss shows determination. Katniss shows determination when she takes on the role of helping her family survive, faking love for Peeta just to stay alive, and by promising her sister Prim

  • The Role Of Luck In Vladek's Life During The Holocaust

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    Vladek knew he needs to stay clean to avoid infection. That skill helped them live out of danger and kill him instead of being killed by a Nazi officer. On page 85, “Vladek told the Nazi officers that he was headed to deliver sugar to his shop. Vladek needed to lie to the Nazi officers so he wouldn't get killed for dealing without coupons. He needed a way for his a family to have good money and health to stay alive during this event of there lives. Also, he needed to stay alive because he brought money

  • The Good vs. The Bad in The Road: Which Would You Do?

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    father and son in the novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, choose to be the “good guys” by staying alive and refraining from cannibalism and thievery. They tried desperately to remain alive by roaming as nomads looking for shelter, edible foods, and avoiding the “bad guys” from preying on them for food. The unconditional love between the father and son sustained their struggle to live and try to stay ethical as possible. The father and son search for shelter and food in idle commercial stores and

  • What Is The Most Dangerous Game Persuasive Essay

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    there is a disagreement on the subject matter to further the plot. Rainsford is completely opposed to the idea of killing his own kind. We also analyzed the film, “The Hunger Games”. Katniss Everdeen was forced into an arena where the only way to stay alive was to kill others. Both pieces of literature are a survival of the fittest test. Both had justifiable reasons for killing and it made reputable, however morbid, sense. Self-defense is not something that should be taken lightly. Its dictionary

  • Life Of Pi Minor Characters Essay

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    Richard Parker helped Pi survive by giving him a reason to live. While Pi could read the survivor manual, Richard Parker could not. Richard Parker’s life depended on Pi. Pi stayed alive to keep Richard Parker alive; if Pi had given up, Richard Parker would have never made it.

  • Life Of Pi Character Analysis

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    God and realizes that it was a miracle that he is still alive. After that his connection with God grows stronger and is what keeps him going throughout the book. Early on in the book Pi says “Religion will save us.” (27) This shows how big a role religion plays in his life and how it will save him when he is lost at sea. 2. Richard Parker- Richard Parker is a real tiger that was on the ship to America and swam to the lifeboat to stay alive. He was tamed and was in a zoo so he knows how to act to

  • Survival and Leadership: Lessons from the Andes Plane Crash

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    The short film I am Alive shows how a Uruguayan rugby team survives and overall escapes the andes from the plane crash. During the hardship the passengers had to come up with ways to stay alive and help one another with complete cooperation. Their was one person who initially stepped up as a leader during the panic Nando Parrado. Another person who became a leader in assisting the survival of the people was Roberto Canessa a good friend of Nando. The the whole ordeal all the passenger made key

  • Rainsford Vs Zaroff

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    for three days trying to stay alive using what he knows as a hunter. However, Rainsford isn’t hunting but the one being hunted by the insane man, Zaroff, with multiple tactics to kill Rainsford. Throughout “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford struggles with man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. self-situations while using his background knowledge, sanity and adaptability. Furthermore,

  • Piscine Patel Character Analysis

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    hungry. In The Life of Pi, Piscine Patel states “It is when the moon rises that the hyena’s day starts, and it proves to be a devastating hunter” (Yann Martel 116). Being trapped on a boat with a rabid hyena and trying to stay alive is no easy task, but Pi manages to stay alive. He stays up on the tarp where the hyena can't get to him until Richard Parker, the tiger, jumps out and eats the hyena. Pi is strong and smart enough to avoid getting eaten or even hurt by any of the animals, and he lives to see

  • Human Instinct and Survival

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    Human Instinct and Survival Humans go to great lengths in order to survive. Mankind can be selfish, vicious, and even animalistic just to stay alive. All of these traits, unwanted in normal civilized life, become necessary when trying to endure certain conditions. When the human psyche is put into a survival situation, it represses human morality, and goes into an instinctual immoral and violent state necessary for survival. In incredibly stressful situations, human’s instinctive state is needed

  • Essay On The Movie Alive

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    In this paper the researcher will be discussing the film entitled: Alive, which includes a group of individuals who are involved in a terrible plane crash to ban together to help keep on another alive. This paper will touch on the struggles of each individual as they fight to overcome their own fear, anxiety, and pride to save others. Keywords: alive, overcome, fight, fear, pride, save, and crash. Alive The decision making process that was observed in this film was the captain of the

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Miles Quaritch

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    second of every day. If there is a Hell, you might want to go there for some R&R after a tour on Pandora. “ (1). Quaritch compares pandora to hell so they better be prepared. The concern of the Colonel conveys a serious tone that urges the soldiers to stay focused and listening.

  • Reflection Of The Movie Extremis

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    look at the facts, their health and their life expectancy if a certain treatment is done. It’s hard for families to understand that because they do not want to lose their loved one, they would rather them be on a machine like a vegetable to keep them alive. They may not know that person is suffering. It is time to let them pass naturally and comfortably surrounded by their family with the best medical treatment possible that has been given to them. After watching the documentary, you can really notice