Human Instinct and Survival

586 Words2 Pages

Human Instinct and Survival
Humans go to great lengths in order to survive. Mankind can be selfish, vicious, and even animalistic just to stay alive. All of these traits, unwanted in normal civilized life, become necessary when trying to endure certain conditions. When the human psyche is put into a survival situation, it represses human morality, and goes into an instinctual immoral and violent state necessary for survival.
In incredibly stressful situations, human’s instinctive state is needed to help a person survive. In other words, the emotions that people develop are too much of a burden. To rid themselves of this burden helps one stay alive. This is because one’s instinct validates dissolute and violent actions, such as the actions seen in wars. As said by Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front, “We want to live at any price; so we cannot burden ourselves with feelings which, though they may be ornamental enough in peacetime, would be out of place here” (39). Paul understands that, to live through the horror of the war, soldiers must suppress their emotions. Their own instin...

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