The Honking Essays

  • Drivers Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Toot Car Horns Unless It’s a Case of Emergency

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    their guard in the process may also wade onto the roadsubconsciously with catastrophic results. In the same way as texting while driving, tooting reduces a driver’s mastery of their car as their attention is divided between the steering wheel and the honking pad. This further weighs down on the detractive nature of the tooting drivers and often leads to altercation or accidents especially at the traffic lights turn. It is for this menace that many governments around the world enact anti-hooting laws with

  • The Use of Pertinent Film Techniques in Falling Down

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    The Use of Pertinent Film Techniques in Falling Down Falling Down was released in 1992 and directed by Joel Schumacher, other films of his including The Client(1994)and also 8mm(1998). The opening sequence of Falling Downuses many techniques to portray the emotional and psychological effects of the events taking place around Michael Douglas' character. The first technique that is apparent to me is from the very beginning of the film. The openings to many films are action packed sequences

  • Persuasive Essay On The Paramedic Crisis

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    Everyday there are hundreds of ambulances, fire engines and police cars being called to the scene of emergencies. I’m sure you hear the roar of their sirens, but you don’t think twice about them and are able to tune them out. The only time most people even think about the sirens is if they are forced to wait at a light or move over to the right shoulder and let them pass. When you look back and think about those sirens, where do you suppose they are going? Most people probably think that they are

  • Speech On Firecrackers In Diwali

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    are silent on ‘Street Noise-Makers’: ‘No Honking Man’’s plea to netas [Strapline: Political parties, public bodies raised their voice against ‘Azan’, ‘Firecrackers during Diwali’, why they are silent on issues like ‘Honking’ that harms people daily. The government should bring out an order to reduce the decibel level of car less than thirty.] Living in the curse of pollution, where everyday our life is at the mayhem of polluted air, loud sound, honking, here is a person who for the last 28 years

  • Miscommunication In Castaway

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    young boy who is running a Fedex package to the protagonist. As the kid runs through a bordered area, an officer blows a whistle at the boy. Whistling is non-verbal communication but it shows that the officer wants the boy to slow down. Honking- People are honking because they want him to move. This is not verbal but the driver is communicating that he wants the protagonist to get out of the way. Body Language and Facial Expressions- At christmas diner, the protagonist is worried about time and time

  • Materialism and Fatherhood: A Personal Perspective

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    Red Power Ranger and the Fruit Bat begins with an in depth look towards the author’s contempt for the materialistic society and dramatically shifts towards an anecdote surrounding the joy of the little time he gets to have with his son. The main purpose of this anecdote was for Thomas Bierowski to show us how much more valuable the relationship between a father and son is than materialistic things purchased with money such as cards and private schools . The main purpose is most obviously shown through

  • Similarities Between American Jerk And Rambos Of The Road

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    Common Courtesy on the Road to Tartarus Todd Schwartz’s “America Jerk” and Martin Gottfried’s “Rambos of the Road” both discuss behavioral issues in today’s culture. From annoying cellphone ringtones to getting elbowed off the highway, these two essays are the epitome of rudeness. “Civility is dead, jerks” (Schwartz 55). “Rambos of the Road” is about people’s rude and reckless actions on the road while “American Jerk” talks about the actions of individuals carrying out their everyday tasks. In both

  • Psycho The Murder By Bernard Beckmann Analysis

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    As he reaches the top of the long narrow stairs, he is suddenly faced with a microphone. With a nervous look and sweaty palms, he slowly makes his way to the mic then stops. The microphone is black and cold to touch. Then he looks up to find that he is in front of hundreds of people watching him like a hawk. For two or three minutes, he focuses on the large patient crowd who are anxious to listen to him. Before he begins, he suddenly realizes that he is in front of thousands of people instead of

  • Tears Of A Tiger Analysis

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    I can relate to the situation of the novel Tears Of A Tiger to my own life. For example, I can relate to B.J because I do hang out with people that drink here and there and I know it's not a right choice but I hang out with them because they know how to have fun and make me laugh a lot. I also feel relatable to b.j because I don't drink, but I also feel like I have to take care of them in a way and not to let them make dumb decisions. According to the text,”Andy and Rob and Tyrone all knew that I

  • Reckless Driving Essay

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    Reckless driving is extremely dangerous and is considered to be anyone who is driving with carelessness and/or who has no regard for the safety of others on the road. Reckless driving is considered to be a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is a criminal act that is less severe then receiving a felony. Your punishments are also not as severe as penalties. Penalties for reckless driving include fines of up to $1,000, jail time, getting your parole revoked, two points on your driving record, insurance rates

  • Descriptive Essay On A Small Town

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    to venture out to Chinatown and to explore the different parts of the unkown. That 's the taste that probably brought most of us out-of-towners here a taste for something new and different you can rarely get anywhere else. I can hear it in the honking of the inpatient cars, the group of kids riding past on their skateboards and, the chugging of the train passing from one ear to the other. You can hear the life all of the people from coming from everywhere the yelling, the laughing, the chatter

  • How My Environment Shaped My Life

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    roads switched from tar to gravel to dirt within a couple of kilometers and the amount of horns honking was horrendous. This is very dissimilar to what I experience in Minnesota, where there are no toll booths, the road is well maintained, and there are a few irritated horns. This different type of culture difference was very strange and unknown. While everyone in India, were not perturbed by the honking and the noisiness, I on the other hand wanted to change way the road’s layout, and redo the structure

  • Personal Narrative: A Christmas night concert

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    driveway. When I opened one of the two refinished oak door, I found Joey sitting in my light blue little sedan. “C’mon already,” he cried hanging half of his body out of the sunroof. He sat back down in the car and started honking the horn. “I’m coming, you little brat! Stop honking my horn!” I called

  • Garbage Hills Myth

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    When hearing the word “myth”, one may imagine an epic similar to that of the Odyssey where humans are directed by fate alone in a far off, mystical land. In her novel Berji Kristin: Tales of The Garbage Hills, Latife Tekin prompts readers to reconsider their understanding of myths as something remote and fantastical. She presents a modern-day myth set in a slum community surviving on the outskirts of Istanbul and centers her narrative around the everyday struggles and triumphs of marginalized people

  • Scenic Designer Objectives

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    First, I will discuss scenic design and the designers objectives. There are many objectives that a scenic designer strives to achieve, including setting the tone, establishing the time period or location, creating a natural flow between the design and the overall production, and creating practical stage sets. Setting the tone is important for creating feelings and emotion in the actors so that they can portray their characters in an accurate manner. Establishing the time period or location helps

  • Tom Wolfe’s: O Rotten Gotham

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    Tom Wolfe’s: O Rotten Gotham “It got to be easy to look at New Yorkers as animals, especially looking down from some place like a balcony at Grand Central at the rush hour Friday afternoon.” (Tom Wolfe). “O Rotten Gotham” argues that New Yorkers are in a state of behavioral sink. It would not be long before a “population collapse” or a “massive die off”. Throughout the article, Wolfe made his opinion clear. He believes everything New Yorkers go through is unhealthy and inhumane. Humans

  • The Effects Of Aggression In Psychology, By Cahitz And Anthony Lepage

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    Aggression is defined as any behavior intended to harm another person who is motivated to avoid the harm according to Baumeister & Bushman (2014). A study was conducted in 1967 by Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage, to determine whether the presence of weapons would elicit aggressive behavior from an individual (Baumeister & Bushman, 2014). They hypothesized that participants were likely to associate weapons, particularly firearms, to aggression and violence, which would cause observing a weapon

  • Cause and Effect Essay: Deteriorating Health Causes Problems for Elderly Drivers

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    be given to the elderly. About thirty percent of those over age 65 are hearing impaired. The ability to hear is more important to driving than most people realize. Hearing can warn a driver of danger signals like the sound of screaming sirens, honking horns, or screeching tires. There are occasions when a driver can hear a car but can't see it because of a blind spot. Good hearing helps drivers to be sensitive to what is happening on the roadways around them. Secondly, An annual visual acuity

  • The Lunchbox Movie Essay

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    Before UberEats and Postmates were established in America, a simpler version known as the dabbawala system, was established in India long before modern technology. Throughout the rom-com film, The Lunchbox, the audience sees how the system works, its impact on the economy, and the traditional everyday lifestyles in Mumbai. Although it is important to value traditional culture, the film depicts ways not only characters are trying to break away from tradition, but the city of Mumbai itself through

  • Julio And Tenoch's Use Of Sound In 'Foreign Film'

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    another example. Nearly all of the movie is shot outside in different parts of Mexico because of that viewers hear different sounds. For example, when Julio and Tenoch were driving in the beginning of the movie, there were multiply sirens going off, honking, and traffic. Another instance, is during the Tenoch’s cousin’s wedding. At the wedding the Mariachi band, horses, and people conversating. The sound heard through the entire movie is the voice over narration. The voice over narration would come in