Slideshow Essays

  • Powerpoint Process Essay

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    PowerPoint Process What is PowerPoint? PowerPoint is a graphics program created to make it easier for the user to produce a quality presentation. Every few years Microsoft, the company that owns PowerPoint, will release a new version of the program. This is done to keep up with any new technology or to add new visual effects to the program. Just as most innovative pieces of technology do, PowerPoint has undergone a process to become what it is today. Background Information PowerPoint, formally known

  • How To Write A Paper On A Sports Banquet

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    This semester in leadership class my big project I completed was the slideshow for the fall sports banquet. I first was asked to work on the project when Mrs. Abbott received an email from Field Kindley High School Booster Club, asking if any students were interested in creating the slideshow for the fall sports banquet. Mrs. Abbott asked the class if anyone was interested in the project, and I agreed. The fall sports banquet slideshow was much more work than I was expecting, but, luckily, the work was

  • Analysis Of Sisterhood Of The Skateboard

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    New York Times. With the online articles, there is a video and a slideshow featured in the article. However, in the paper copy, there is no forms of multimedia. Articles that utilize various forms of media to enhance the reader’s experience of the article possess both the positive and the negative effects that affected the quality of the article The slideshow strengthened the article in terms of providing unique visual aid. Slideshows can not be featured in the newspaper version of the the article

  • Slide Share

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    exposure than from some of the other social media networks. Where SlideShare Shines SlideShare basically allows you to take a PowerPoint type slideshow and post it online. The longer format allows you to present visual information that can drive attendees to sign up for your event. Slideshare

  • Transfer Admission Presentation To English 1A Classes

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    be. Transferring is a process that is taken step by step, and the key to a successful transfer is to stay organized. The work that informed me of the transfer process was Debra Louie’s “Transfer Admission Presentation to English 1A Classes.” Her slideshow helped me organize and identify the steps I should be

  • Powerpoint Versus Pecha Kucha

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    PowerPoint and Pecha Kucha are both tools for slideshow-based presentation, but they present information in drastically different ways. The key difference between their formats is in the timing of the resulting slideshow. This time difference gives each program its benefits and disadvantages. PowerPoint is a Microsoft program used for presentations. The presentations consist of a number of slides, which are individual pages, generally shown in landscape orientation. Text, pictures, videos or

  • Strategic Ambiguity

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    The Department of Communication of Gonzaga University hosted Dr. Ralina L Joseph for the Speech Screening Strategic Ambiguity. Joseph is the Director for the Center of Communication, Difference, and Equity at the University of Washington. She is also an Associate Professor of Communications, American Ethic Studies and Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies. Strategic Ambiguity is the idea that a person who is experiencing racism does not respond, in order to win in the end, in other words playing the

  • Violence Has An Effect Of Stress On Long-Term Memory Process

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    levels were considerably greater in the stress group immediately after experimental manipulation. Also, within the stress group cortisol levels were considerably raised immediately after stress induction and remained considerably raised throughout slideshow encoding. T-tests revealed that subjective arousal reaction was notably greater in the stress group throughout and directly after the experimental manipulation. Additionally, within the stress group involvement in the stress task considerably increased

  • Difference Between New England Colonies And Chesapeake Colonies

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    Grayson Kennedy 24 September 2014 Dr. Hoang HIST 204 Essay 1: New England and Chesapeake Colonies During the late 16th and into the 17th century, European countries expeditiously colonized the recently discovered Americas. In particular, England sent out many groups to the east coast of North America to two main regions. From the beginning, both the Chesapeake and New England region had distinct identities. The differences between the two colonies were spurred from a single, crucial factor: the

  • The Italian Immigrants of Post-1880

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    Italians as a whole, Riis felt that they are preferable to Germans and other immigrants because they can be taken advantage of. He feels pity and sympathy for them. The comparison to a child connects to an image of the children of the Gilded Age (Slideshow 7:33). In this image the child is depicted to be serious and not to to what a child is usually thought to be. If an immigrant is like a child, then Americans must teach them to become a responsible American and educate them to progress, known as

  • Travel Writing Essay

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    Travel writing is a genre that uses an assortment of techniques and is presented in various forms to successfully educate people about travelling. Travel writing can take the form of documentaries, pieces of serious journalism or humorous articles and are mainly published in of magazines or newspapers. They aim to educate the reader about a specific destination by providing wide insight into the destination and helpful information. The purpose of a travel article is to not only be informative but

  • Why We Shouldn T Violent Video Games Be Banned

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    Good Morning/Afternoon. Today I am here to tell you why I believe that violent video games should be banned. Violent video games make people angry and aggressive, many underage people are playing violent video games, and violent video games influence mass shootings and mass murders. I will elaborate more on these issues. To begin with, violent video games make people aggressive and angry. Research demonstrates a consistent relationship between violent video games and increases in aggressive behaviour

  • Sherlock Holmes Dossier Project Essay

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Sherlock Holmes Dossier” Project was one of the most creative and unique projects in which I have ever participated. In most projects, students are told to complete standard assignments, such as writing an essay, conducting an experiment, or creating a slideshow. In this project, we were instructed to use our imagination. We were asked to create a personal file for a character from “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I was assigned the main antagonist, Mr. Jack Stapleton. A naturalist

  • A Distortion of Reality

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    vs. other-sourced between participants and two misinformation vs. control within participants. They had participants watch a slideshow that showed a woman intermingling with three other characters and one of them steals her wallet. Then they completed a personality measure in 15 minute retention interval which was followed by questions about their memories from the slideshow. After, they were given another 15 minute retention interval and then shown their responses to the memory question, but three

  • Nutrition Project: Diverticular Disease

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    (2012): 16-19. CINAHL Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. "Veggies And Fiber Linked To Lower Diverticulitis Risk." Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 29.9 (2011): 1-2. CINAHL Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Seibert, Andrew, MD. Diverticulticulitis Slideshow: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Diverticulitis.(2011)

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Islamophobia

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    Muslims. He states at the beginning of his speech that he doesn’t hope to change the opinions of his audience, but rather to get his audience to view Islam from a different perspective. Accompanying him in his speech is a screen where he uses a slideshow presentation to assist him when speaking. One of the first slides he presents is a half of a word that is believed to say science. Upon revealing the second half, the audience finds out it was actually a license plate reading several random letters

  • Camera Techniques in Film Making

    693 Words  | 2 Pages

    Camera Techniques in Film Making What do you think about when watching a film? Do you focus on the characters' good looks or the dialogue? Or do you go behind the scenes and think about what made the film? Maybe, it's even a combination of all three. No matter what comes to mind first, an important part of any good movie will be what you see. A camera and good director or cinematographer is needed to make that possible. Different directors and cinematographers will use different camera techniques

  • Bones Analytic Essay

    1257 Words  | 3 Pages

    For this final project I have decided to analyse the TV show called Bones. Bones has always been one of my favorite shows. It has been known for showing strong female characters and encouraging women into the science field, but I needed to know how accurate it was. For this presentation I have focused on a character within the show named Dr. Lance Sweets and his job as a psychologist on the show. I specifically looked at Dr. Lance Sweets profile of a serial killer from the show, Christopher Pelant

  • The Odyssey Project In Honors English

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    Book 21. I had to take this theme, show how it is apparent in the book, and then, the big one, find another piece of media that shares the theme while comparing how it is shown there and in the Odyssey. To add insult to injury, my ability to create slideshows

  • Class Reunion Checklist

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    Class Reunion Checklist Six month before: • Form a class reunion committee and select the reunion chairman. • During committee meeting, divide the task among the committee. Delegate tasks to various members and assign jobs based on each person’s strength. • Schedule reunion committee meetings to discuss the progress or problems that appeared. • Create a group on Whatsapp or Facebook that include all the class reunion members to make the discussion easier. • Create a rough budget. • Find classmates