SETI Essays

  • The SETI Institute: Denied by Controversy

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    extraterrestrials out there? While highly controversial, scientists with the help of SETI have proved that this is possible. In order to be prepared for the possible ETs, researchers at SETI work constantly to find answers. Because of the growing research that Extraterrestrial Intelligence is possible, SETI, a credible organization, should receive funding from the government to continue their research. The SETI Institute, a non-profit organization, was founded by Tom Pierson in 1984, beginning

  • Are We Alone? The Question of Extraterrestrial Life

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    may have existed on Mars. Many scientists believe water did existed on the planet because three NASA rovers found rocks with appearance of channels, streams and even oceans spotted by orbiting satellites. A question was brought up to Richard Quinn, a SETI Institute researcher with Ames' Planetary Systems Branch, if Mars was a habitable environment? "Based on what we know about life in extreme environments, interpretations of mission results indicate that we are currently exploring habitable ancient

  • Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

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    Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, is basically what the full name says. SETI is the search to find some sort of extra-terrestrial intelligence in the universe. The acronym SETI was actually made in the 1960’s and is used to describe the all of the radio signals from astronomers that are seeking evidence of some form of an intelligence life source out there. There is a very famous question in the world and what it asks is “Are we alone?” Well that is where SETI comes in. Before the twentieth century

  • The Existence of Intelligent Life

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    help answer the question, astronomers and scientists set up a program in search for extraterrestrial intelligence. This program, or SETI, was set up to verify, by observation that extraterrestrial life does exist. SETI tries to prove this by picking up and analyzing radio signals by means of satellites and advanced computers (Heidmann 116). The history of the SETI program is quite interesting. It started back in 1959 with the help of two famous Cornell University physicists, Guiseppi Cocconi and

  • "Where is everybody" An exploration of the Fermi Paradox

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    Historical background Over a 1950 summer lunch at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the great physicist Enrico Fermi asked his colleagues an unexpected question – “Don’t you ever wonder where everybody is?” Laughter went around the table as everyone immediately knew that he was talking about extraterrestrial intelligence [1]. If life arises fairly commonly, as Fermi believed, it follows that there should be advanced civilizations with the desire to visit and colonize Earth close enough to do so

  • Human´s Interest in Extraterrestrial Life

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    Aliens. Extraterrestrial life. Humans have always had an interest in extraterrestrial intelligence. The speculation of extraterrestrial intelligence is popular these days both in mass culture and in science but belief in extraterrestrial intelligence goes back into ancient times. Extraterrestrial life is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. With the fascination of aliens among human, many became theorist. They believe that extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering

  • Life on Other planets.

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    One of the most common unanswered questions scientists find themselves asking is "Is there life on other planets?" Since the first famously documented UFO sighting in 1947, the idea of extra-terrestrial life has been debated almost non-stop. The subject has inspired many TV programs, such as The X-Files, and films (Mars Attacks, Independence Day, and the Men in Black films to name but a few). Scientists have come up with many new ideas and ways of trying to either prove or disprove the existence

  • Are we Alone In the Universe

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    Do aliens exist? For eons, mankind has pondered over this peculiar question and a revealing truth has yet to be answered. However, one thing is known for sure, the discovery of intelligent alien life outside of Earth would provide support to prove and/or disprove fundamental beliefs that have been held for centuries. In any case, the discovery would serve as a cornerstone for humanity to make the quantum leap in understanding the purpose of our existence. Based on numerous examples, it is impossible

  • "Contact": a Critical Review of Bias

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    has an inclination in support of maintaining uncertainty towards supernatural events without substantial proof for or against. Contact’s protagonist Ellie (portrayed by Jodie Foster) is a scientist for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project, struggling to survive in a male-dominated profession while working on a project that has high operating costs without any promise of success. Her sole ambition is to discover extraterrestrial life, but after iterative attempts to revive her

  • The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence

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    The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence Frank Drake, an American astronomer made an equation to find the probability of finding aliens in our galaxy. The probability of humans finding extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy equals Nfpnef1fifcfL, where N equals the number of stars in the Milky Way, fp equals the fraction of those stars having planets, ne equals the number of those planets that can support life, f1 equals the number of those planets on which life arises, fi equals the

  • Are We Alone in The Universe?

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    Are we alone in the universe? This one is a hard question to answer, but there seems to be an argument that this cannot be so. Firstly, the universe is a huge place, a place that expands every second. It is so big that earth is only a tiny atom in the universe, so we can’t be the only ones alive in all that possibility of space. Secondly, life needs certain things to form; these are called CHNOPS and these are found in other places besides earth. Thirdly, people have reported alien sightings on

  • Essay On Extraterrestrial Life

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    The theory that life can possibly exist on another planet is an exciting idea. The search for extraterrestrial life has been looked over countless times. So many people believe that there is life beyond planet earth, many others have realistic expectations to this theory. They simply just believe that this theory has no evidence to be prove that there is any extra-terrestrial intelligence anywhere in the universe. A vast number of people still consider this question especially scientists and astronomers

  • The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life

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    The idea of aliens has been a topic numerous Hollywood movie producers and writers have been creating blockbuster movies and novels since 1902 with the French movie A Trip to the Moon. The existence of Extraterrestrial life has been seen as a possibility through the discovery of Exoplanets, Kepler Missions, and mathematical formulas. Others doubt the possibilities of an Alien species such as Enrico Fermi, and Pope Zachary. Although the thought of aliens has created numerous cults and science fiction

  • Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World as Social Commentary

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    Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World as Social Commentary Carl Sagan sums up his view of the basic flaw of man in one phrase: "history reveals that we humans have a sad tendency to make the same mistakes again and again" (Sagan 424). Humans today have an understanding of the world around them that is vastly superior to that of their ancestors. In spite of this, a growing number of people perpetually fail to scrutinize to the degree necessary for the evolution of the self. According to Sagan

  • Trying to Locate Extraterrestrial Life

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    Imagine that out of the infinite stars and planets in the vast universe, only one solitary planet can sustain life. Heavily disputed arguments have arisen about whether humans are the sole intelligent beings in the universe. Scientists continuously search for the answer, but the search has not as yet yielded positive results. Billions of dollars have been spent in research, causing controversy about whether scientists should invest in the hunt for extraterrestrial beings. Due to inadequate technology

  • Argumentative Essay: Do Aliens Exist?

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    The idea of aliens has been around for several decades. We have all been familiarized with that idea, especially considering that there are several Hollywood film productions that portray aliens in multiple ways. Movies ranging from the heartwarming, family-friendly E.T., to the horrifying Prometheus, to the action-packed comedy the Men in Black trilogy have led us to all the same question, do aliens actually exist? There are two simple one-worded answers to this rather perplexing and thought-provoking

  • An Essay On Exoplanets

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    Have you ever wondered if something living was outside of our world? Somewhere in those far-away, remote regions. Well you may be right. In this project we will be investigating exoplanets and the search for life. There are many stars in our universe, and many of them have multiple planets. These planets are also known as exoplanets/extra-planets. They may contain life. Many people are searching for life. Others are searching for intelligent life with radio technology. They send and receive signals

  • Why Do Aliens Exist

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    The Existence of Aliens There are numerous of different movies, books, and TV shows on how humans think aliens interact, look similar to, and what the media portrays aliens to be like. Occasionally, most will stumble across news articles with a variety of related headings about aliens, UFO’s, or recent known abduction stories. Every person has their own theories and or thoughts on these basic questions: do aliens exist? Could the government be covering up real life “space ships” or encounters? Countless

  • Summary Of Stanislaw Lem's Solaris?

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    Contact, whether with those around us or those out in space, involves an image in one’s mind of the other being different. What Stanislaw Lem states in Solaris is that contact between humans and extra-terrestrial life is impossible until we change not only that mentality, but our reluctance to accept differences in one another. One thing Solaris suggests is that it is human’s inherent racism and judgmental nature that holds us back from understanding extra-terrestrial intelligence. This is shown

  • H.R.Giger's Alien

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    H.R.Giger's Alien "Hollywood's conception of extraterrestrial life was pretty much limited to either whimsical little green men or clumsy bug-eyed monsters. In a gritty future, Scott brought to life Swiss surrealist H.R.Giger's terrifying biomechanical beastie: an acid-bleeding, razor-toothed, overgrown cockroach with an ugly practice of gestating its offspring in human hosts……. Suddenly, space was a pretty scary place to be." (Schwarzbaum, 27) In 1979 an alien was born. Before 1979 the movie