Essay On Extraterrestrial Life

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The theory that life can possibly exist on another planet is an exciting idea. The search for extraterrestrial life has been looked over countless times. So many people believe that there is life beyond planet earth, many others have realistic expectations to this theory. They simply just believe that this theory has no evidence to be prove that there is any extra-terrestrial intelligence anywhere in the universe.

A vast number of people still consider this question especially scientists and astronomers who spend a lifetime trying to prove or disprove the idea that extra-terrestrial does exist in an outside universe. Throughout time technology has advanced and many scientist are able to study this question more efficiently. The theory of life beyond earth has been concentrated on attempts to receive wavelength signals. Wave length signals are “the distance between identical points in the adjacent cycles of a waveform signal propagated in space or a long wire. “ ( While the people on earth lead themselves on to believe the possibility of extraterrestrial life, many microbiologist astronomers and zoologist have been focusing on the environments that creatures have adapted to in order to survive. Microorganisms such as tardigrade usually found in moss can live in temperatures that vary from -400 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and don’t require much water to live. Many scientist believe that these microorganisms have mastered living in environments on other planets in our solar system. The conditions that these microorganisms live in on a daily basis bring many scientist to conclude that there may very well be extra-terrestrial life elsewhere.
The possibility of extra-terrestrial life living somewhere i...

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..., represents the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life. An even more crucial piece fc, represents the fraction of civilizations that develops a technology, and enables it to release detectable signs of their existence into space. L of course represents the length of time that these signal signs are released into space. Although this equation is used by scientists many have said that the N variable portion of the equation is useless because it is impossible for the equation to physically detect the number of outside civilizations based on the infinite length of our galaxies alone. Realistically speaking this equation has only been proven to work effectively as a great tool to trigger our curiosity about the universe around us. It does not actually aid us in identifying outside life species, like it was originally believed.

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