Route of administration Essays

  • What is Pharmacology?

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    is the study of the interaction of drugs with living organisms, such as humans, animals and even microorganisms. Pharmacology also includes sources, adverse effects, absorption, physiological factors, biotransformation, dosage forms, methods of administration, excretion, and history. So, what are drugs and what exactly do they do? Drugs, also known as narcotics, are chemicals that alter functions of living organisms. They are generally given for the diagnosis, prevention, control or cure of disease

  • Effects of Surfactants on Suppository Absorption

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    Suppositories are the frequently used dosage forms prescribed through rectal route. However, suppositories have the limitation of prolonged onset of action which can be attributed to poor drug release properties of suppository base. Surfactants can increase the drug release to aid absorption by reducing the interfacial tension between rectal fluids and the suppository base. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of different concentrations of sodium lauryl sulphate and tween 80 on

  • Effect of natural penetration enhancers on dermal delivery of hydrocortisone acetate

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    Solubility studies for screening of microemulsion components The solubility of HCA in various oils and surfactants such as eucalyptus oil, clove oil, lemon grass oil, pippermint oil, carvone, D-limonene, citronella, menthone, eugenol, oleic acid, tween 20, isopropyl myristate (IPM), tween 80, polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) were measured. An excess amount of HCA was added to 10mL of oil and the mixture was shaken for 72 h at 25 °C. The resulting suspension was then centrifuged (R-8C REMI equipments

  • Explain Three Things That An Ideal Parenteral Dosage

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    1) What are the two main factors that effect the rate and absorption of an orally administered drug? With regards to making an orally administered drug, permeability and solubility are two key factors that affect the rate and absorption that is accomplished in the body. Permeability of a compound, is the process accomplished in the GI tract by absorption, usually in a specific segment or when exposed to certain active transporters. Solubility on the other hand, controls the rate that the drug is

  • Role Of The Six Rights Of Medication Administration

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    Preventing Medication Errors with the Six Rights of Medication Administration Medication errors are among the most common mistakes made in the health care industry. The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) defines a medication error as "any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. The magnitude of medication

  • Significance Of The Concept Of Pharmacology In Nursing

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    any drug administration, I will first assess that the medication ordered is the correct medication. I will assess the patient’s ability to self-administer medications and determine whether a patient should receive a medication at a given time. I will administer the ordered medications correctly and closely monitor their side effects. I have to educate my patient and family about proper medication administration and monitoring. I will not delegate any part of the medication administration process to

  • Medication Error

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    Medication administration is a very important part of a registered nurses’ job. Multiple medications, patient issues, and technology all contribute to the complexity of medication administration. A medication error is defined as ‘any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer’. In addition an error can also be the wrong drug, route, dose, preparation, time, technique

  • Principles of Pharmacokinetics: 3 Questions Answered

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    bioavailability and describe factors that can alter absorption. Bioavailability is the fraction of the dosage form that reaches systemic circulation after any route of administration. In this particular study, acetaminophen was administered orally, intravenously, and rectally in healthy men aged 18 to 45 and the pharmacokinetic parameters were compared for each route. The study assumed IV bioavailability to be 100%. The bioavailability of the oral dose was 89% and 72% for the rectal dose. Drug interactions, intestinal

  • Pre-Emptive Analgesia

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    is an effective, safe and convenient method of analgesia which merits further investigation into such areas as mode of action and method of administration6. Similarly, we also found good analgesic effect of fentanyl by instillation via intranasal route in doses of 2mcg/kg without any significant adverse effect. J M Malinovsky et al (1996)7did a study in which during halothane anaesthesia, 32 children, aged 2-9 year, weight 10-30 kg were allocated randomly to receive ketamine 3 mg kg-1 nasally (group

  • Assignment 1: Medication Administration

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    Medication Administration Nurses, physicians, and pharmacists are held legally responsible for safe and therapeutically effective drug administration no matter who actually prescribed it. All members of a health team may be held liable for a single injury to a client. Nursing organizations have adapted similar codes of ethics that can serve as guides for the development of one's own code. The client's rights as defined by these codes of ethics are to promote health, prevent illness, restore health

  • Medication Errors In Health Care

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    the incorrect medication used for administration. Regarding the costliness to patients and their families, patient injury or death may occur as a result of a medication error. This may be due to an incorrect drug or perhaps an incorrect dose being administered. The possibility of the patient having an allergy to this incorrect drug administration could also further cause damage as well. When passing medications, ensuring safety and quality in the administration

  • Absorption Of Opioid Drugs

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    user’s chosen route of administration for the drug, dosage, and lipid solubility. Most NMPOs are taken orally, and absorbed into the bloodstream from the walls of the intestine. Some abusers crush and convert whole prescription pills into powders that can be smoked, snorted, and injected easily. Alternative routes of administration enable users to combine NMPO active compounds with other drugs for a unique effect as well as increase drug bioavailability. More specifically, alternate routes of administration

  • Essay On Acetaminophen

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    In today’s world, acetaminophen also known as Tylenol, is known to be remarkably popular drug in many countries [1]. This type of drug is known to be an analgesic and antipyretic [1]. In other words, it helps relieve pain associated with many conditions as well as reducing fever [1]. Acetaminophen can be used for many purposes, such as the relief of headaches, muscles aches, toothaches, and etc [1]. On the other hand, this drug may also be used for purposes that are not listed on the medication guide

  • The Chemical Structure of Morphine

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    relatively water soluble and poorly lipid soluble. It is a available for management use because of the hydrochloride, sulphate and tartrate salts in large different formulations. Cancer patients prefer to take morphine orally than any other route of administration because of analgesic given regularly to prevent recurrence of pain usually for months or even years. Pharmacodynamics Morphine creates its effects by being an agonist at opioid receptors, located basically in the spinal cord and brain. It

  • Norton Vs Argonaut Insurance Case Summary

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    jury’s verdict and the defendants were found liable for the death of the infant. The issues are: (1) whether Dr. Stotler wrote an ambiguous order that led to the administration of fatal dose of Lanoxin and (2) whether negligence occurred as a result of not following standard of care by the nurse who misinterpreted dosage administration directions of the medication leading to fatal

  • Medication Administration Error

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    However, when the nurse administers the wrong medication it is considered a medication administration error. These errors can occur and depending on several factors the error can range from no harm to death of the client. According to Adams and Urban (2016), 95% of medication administration errors do not cause harm to the client, while 4% are considered severe enough to call for treatment. Medication administration errors can ultimately be prevented with numerous interventions that have been proven

  • Understanding Pharmacology: Effects and Interactions

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    discusses pharmacology and terminology related to “Pharmacology” which is the branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs“ pharmacology. 2015. In The study of different classes of drugs, routes of absorption, and drugs have effects on those consuming them. There are drugs that are necessary for illnesses and healing but, there are medicines that cause concern regarding interaction and harming the body. Components of Pharmacology

  • Medication Errors In Nursing

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    best efforts of both nurses and physicians, medication errors occur on a daily basis. A medication error is not simply giving the wrong medication, it may consist of giving a drug via the wrong route, at the wrong time, or at the wrong dose. Statistics reported often vary, however the Food and Drug Administration reports that at least seven thousand people die annually as the result of medication errors. Every patient is at risk for being the victim of at least one medication error (“Strategies,” n.d

  • Cocaine verus Crack Cocaine

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    Cocaine originated from South America, from coca leaves. Originally, the coca leaves were chewed by workers to decrease fatigue, improve endurance and have a greater resistance to the cold. This was to benefit the workers so they could work longer hours and be more productive. In 1855 the active ingredient in cocaine was isolated from the leaves, and in 1880 it was used as a local anesthetic (Nunes,2006). It was also used in coca cola. In 1855, coca cola was a soda beverage that contained sixty milligrams

  • Hotel Bookings Advantages And Disadvantages

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    brain is about the best possible and safe convenience. Everybody searches for hotels that give quality administrations at sensible costs. Taking after are a portion of the tips that you ought to remember while searching for the modest hotel bookings in London? hotel bookings in London might be bit troublesome occupation for you in the event that you have not busy the rooms prior. The better route is to book and store your room, to the extent that as you can. The sooner you book the room, the more