Essay On Acetaminophen

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In today’s world, acetaminophen also known as Tylenol, is known to be remarkably popular drug in many countries [1]. This type of drug is known to be an analgesic and antipyretic [1]. In other words, it helps relieve pain associated with many conditions as well as reducing fever [1]. Acetaminophen can be used for many purposes, such as the relief of headaches, muscles aches, toothaches, and etc [1]. On the other hand, this drug may also be used for purposes that are not listed on the medication guide, such as, menstrual cramps [1]. However, acetaminophen ingredients are majorly used for numerous cold and flu medications as well as many prescription analgesics [1]. This drug is widely available in many drug stores/supermarkets and it is provided …show more content…

In the ancient and medieval time, antipyretic agents were only found in willow bark and in cinchona bark [2]. Willow bark was used as a pain reliever [3]. People were advised to chew on the bark in order to relieve pain and fever [3]. Cinchona bark was used for increasing appetite, however people also used it for common cold and fever [4]. When the cinchona tree started to decrease in the 1880s, people started to look for other alternatives [2]. During the 1880s, antipyretics agents were developed, which were acetanilide and phenacetin [2]. These properties of acetaminophen were discovered by accident [2]. It occurred when the molecule acetanilide was added to a patient’s prescription [2]. By this time, this drug had been synthesized via the reduction of p-nitorphenol [2]. However the drug acetaminophen was still not used medically for another 20 years [2]. In 1893, acetaminophen was found in the urine sample of an individual who had taken phenacetin [2]. This drug was concentrated into an odorless, white, crystalline compound that was found to have a bitter taste [2]. Acetaminophen was discovered to be a metabolite of acetanilide, however the discovery was ignored at that time [2]. It was later on that acetaminophen was found to have pain and fever relieving properties …show more content…

When it is taken correctly, the side effects are considered to be rare [9]. This type of drug can be a great alternative for pain relief for those who are known to be at a risk of heart disease or even stomach problems [9]. There have also been studies that show improvement for treatment of depression and anxiety [10]. Overall, while acetaminophen is wildly being used, some possible fallbacks should be

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