Essay On Prescription Narcotics

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Prescription drugs do not always cause addiction, but a specific group of prescription narcotics can increase dependency on the medication and cause a severe addiction. For many people that become addicted to prescribed medicines, it changes their life forever. Prescription drugs are equally as dangerous as street drugs, if not more so. High powered pain relievers are safe if taken properly, but some people pop multiples a day which can cause coma and even death.

If a person is prescribed a medication known to cause drug addiction, then it is important to monitor behavior and habits while taking it. If they frequently ask for refills or seem to run out of the medication quickly, an addiction may be present. If a person has a history of drug …show more content…

If people are selling them, report them. In high schools around the US students pass on Ritalin and other drugs to other students. If you happen to be a student and witness this happening, the best thing to do is report them so a fellow peer does not fall victim to addiction.

If you have recently started a medication known to be addictive, but feel side effects taking hold, go to your doctor to discuss ceasing the medication. For some people it is important to continue taking the medicines that will help them, but avoiding addictions at all costs is equally as important.

The risks of prescription drug addiction include:

• Hallucinations caused by taking too many of the pills.
• Shaking and trembling if you do not get the medicine.
• Inability to focus if you don't have Ritalin or something similar to pop every few hours.
• Dependency on the medications when taking a course for treatment, feeling sick after discontinuing use and wanting more of the drug.
• Going through all lengths in order to get the medication even after refills expire, such as purchasing from online pharmacies, drug dealers, or even stealing them from friends.
• Taking more than the recommended dose in order to "feel better" on a regular

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