Reducing sugar Essays

  • Test for Starch and Reducing Sugar Present in Apple and Pear

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    Test for Starch and Reducing Sugar Present in Apple and Pear Title: Quantitative test for starch and reducing sugar present in apple and pear Aim: To find and compare the amount of starch and reducing sugars present in apple and pear. Principle: In testing the amount of reducing sugars, the fruits had to be grounded into juice. Since reducing sugars are soluble, the sugar present in the fruit would dissolve into the juice. We can dilute and control the volume of fruit juice when doing

  • Benefits Of Reducing Sugar Intake

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    Benefits of reducing sugar intake are many and can be drastic. Better weight management means less risk of obesity and the many related health effects that come with it. Significantly decreased risk of type two diabetes means no daily insulin shots, no loss of feeling in extremities, and zero daily blood testing. Reducing sugar intake lowers your risk for heart disease, currently the number one killer in the United States. Together these health benefits paint a clear picture that reducing sugar intake

  • Testing and Evaluating the Contents of Two Known Solutions for Proteins and Lipids

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    benedict's test was done for the non reducing sugar the lactose it at first had no effect, then the solutions would be neutralised and then dilute hydrochloric acid would be added to them. When lactose is heated with acid you hydrolyse it into the monosaccharide that it is made up of ( for lactose this is galactose and alpha glucose). So then when it is heated with the benedict's solution it gives you a reaction because now it can work as there are reducing sugars present that allow it to give red

  • Reducing Sugar Essay

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    Discussion: Reducing sugar is the monosaccharide of carbohydrate which is form in aldehyde in the presence an alkaline solution. Examples of reducing sugar are glucose, lactose and glyceraldehyde. The reducing sugars that contain aldehyde group act as reducing agent during oxidation because it will oxidize to carboxylic acid. Benedict solution is used to test the presence of the reducing sugar in the solutions. Benedict solution is made from anhydrous sodium carbonate, sodium citrate and copper (ii)

  • Benedict’s Test for Reducing Sugar

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    BENEDICT’S TEST – REDUCING SUGARS Benedict’s test for reducing sugar results in colour changes from blue to green precipitate and lastly forms brick-red precipitate. In this case, Benedict’s solution which is aqueous solution of copper (II) sulphate, sodium carbonate and sodium citrate, used as a test of the presence of reducing sugar. Glucose is one of the reducing sugars. Functional group of aldehyde (CHO) and keto (C=O) are found in glucose. Benedict’s test will detect on functional group of aldehyde

  • Comparing Amount of Glucose in Orange Fruit, Grapefruit and Lemon Fruit

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    lemon and grapefruit are all fruits which contain carbohydrates which include reducing sugars. Glucose is a hexose sugar, which is a monosaccharide with six carbon atoms in each of its molecules. Benedict's solution is a deep-blue alkaline solution used to test for the presence of the aldehyde functional group, CHO - which are present in reducing sugars. Benedict's solution changes colour when a reducing sugar is present because of a chemical reaction, which reduces the Copper II sulphate

  • Detection Of Biological Molecules

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    for reducing sugars, the iodine test for the presence of starch, the Sudan III test for fatty acids, and the Biuret test for amino groups present in proteins. The last part of this lab takes an unknown substance and by the four tests, determine what the substance is. BENEDICT'S TEST Introduction: Monosaccharides and disaccharides can be detected because of their free aldehyde groups, thus, testing positive for the Benedict's test. Such sugars act as a reducing agent, and is called a reducing sugar

  • Determining the Effect of Different Sugar Concentrations on Benedict's Solution

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    Determining the Effect of Different Sugar Concentrations on Benedict's Solution PLANNING: Hypothesis and prediction: My hypothesis is that the sugar solution with the highest concentration will turn the precipitate the darkest colour. This will be the 10% sugar solution. This is because the more amount of sugar it contains the more it will reduce the Copper. It will be a much darker precipitate compared to the other two. Background theory: Benedict's solution is an aqueous solution

  • PTFE Sheet Case Study

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    T here are now a wide range of PTFE products to choose from, in the industrial gasket market place in today’s world. The product has evolved dramatically since the late 1960’s, from just virgin and commercial grade PTFE, to the present day offerings, as what is described as calendered or restructured filled PTFE sheet. PTFE has many benefits, the two most notable are, it has exceptional chemical resistance, which there are only a few chemicals that will attack the polymer, and can withstand temperatures

  • Death Penalty

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    recently death penalties were carried out by means of electrocution and lethal injection. Enforcing capital punishment ensures a means of reducing recidivism for those who commit heinous crimes. Heinous crimes that consist of proven murders, terrorist situations, and rape deserve the death penalty. Increasing capital punishment promotes the reform of prisons by reducing recidivism, increasing deterrence, and decreasing prison population. 4148 2 Overcrowded prisons constitutes a major problem

  • Fpga Essay

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    solutions for reducing FPGA power are needed. In this work, I propose a programmable dual-VDD architecture in which the supply voltage of the logic blocks and routing blocks are programmed to reduce power consumption by assigning low-VDD to non-critical paths in the design, while assigning high-VDD to the timing critical paths in the design to meet timing constraints. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different VDD assignment algorithms and architectural implementations show that reducing the supply

  • Role of Prisons in Reducing Recidivism

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    Role of Prisons in Reducing Recidivism The role of prisons and prison wardens in reducing recidivism is a major concern today. With programs initialized in the prison systems, recidivism rates still have stayed about the same for forty years. Almost two-thirds of prisoners will be arrested after their release, and of those, half will return to prison for a new crime. The obstacle faced by professionals to change behavior is a multi-layered complex problem that needs to be addressed in our society

  • Budget Review and Recommendations

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    with coming up with the following years budget and this year I was given that task. The Dean has given us a very hard task and that is that we have to cut 10% of our budget for next year. My task is to come up with five strategies that help in reducing our budget by 10% just for the following year, two of them will have to present a permanent change to our current budget and the ones to follow. This was a very tough decision, as many items have to be considered. I have given it a lot of thought

  • Silver Mirror Test Essay

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    Molisch test is one of the useful qualitative test for presence of carbohydrates in solution. The three glucose solutions all have a violet colored ring formed at the junction between the two layers. This showed that carbohydrates are present in these sugar solution. This test involved the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid which causes dehydration of all carbohydrates to give ‘furfural’ compound, where pentoses are dehydrated to furfural, and hexoses are dehydrated to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (Molish's

  • Biochemical Test Lab Report

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    turned into a rust-like color which makes it a positive for reducing sugar. b. The table sugar stayed blue so it is negative for reducing sugars. c. Unknown 1 was not positive to reducing sugars as it stayed a ligh-blue color. d. Unknown 2 was not positive to reducing sugars since it stayed blue. e. Unknown 3 was a teal-blue making it negative for reducing sugars. f. Unknown 4 turned an orange-red color making it positive for reducing sugars. Onion juice produced an orange color making it negative

  • The Structure and Function of Carbohydrates

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    groups: Ø Monosaccharide – monomers and therefore contain single surgar. Ø Disaccharide – contain double sugars. Ø Polysaccharide – are large molecules containing many complex sugars. The general formula for carbohydrates is Cx(H20)y. Monosaccharides are white crystalline solids with low molecular mass and sweet tasting. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars because they all aldehydes. Different monosaccharides contain different number of carbon atoms. There are three types

  • Unknown Carbohydrates Lab Report

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    iodine, meaning carbohydrate E must be starch. In the clinistix test, solution A caused the clinistix strip to turn green-brown, meaning carbohydrate A must be glucose. The Barfoed’s solution test was carried out to determine if the carbohydrate was a reducing monosaccharide, such as glucose and fructose. After carrying out this test, carbohydrate B turned a brick-red colour, meaning it must be either glucose or fructose. However, carbohydrate A was already determined to be glucose using the iodine test

  • Sugar Incredible Gold Summary

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    Sugar, an Edible Gold Since sugar contains an addictive sweet flavor and a lot of energy needed for the human, its usage has been increasing since before the industrialization of sugar production. Furthermore, an anthropologist, Sidney W. Mintz, wrote a book called Sweetness and Power describing the journey of making sugar a necessity for almost everyone in the world. As a result, according to Mintz’ book and other researches, after the discovery of sugar by the Europeans in the Middle Ages, the

  • Investigating the Activity of an Enzyme

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    [IMAGE]SUCROSE GLUCOSE + FRUCTOSE C12H2201 H20 C6H12O6 C6H12O6 The progress of this reaction was monitored using Dinitrosaylic Acid (DNS) as the reagent reacts with the reducing sugar products. The colour of DNS changes from yellow to varying shades of red; depending on the on the reducing sugars product being found with time. The light absorption from the varying colours of solutions can then be measured calorimetrically. A standard calibration curve could then be used to

  • Fireworks

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    Fireworks How do fireworks produce their brilliant colors and loud bangs? To produce the noise and flashes, an oxidizer (an oxidizing agent) and a fuel (reducing agent) are used. The oxidizer oxidizes the fuel in a very exothermic reaction which produces a brilliant flash and a loud report from the rapidly expanding gases produced. For a color effect, an element with a colored emission spectrum is included. Electrons in atoms can be raised to higher-energy orbitals when the atoms absorb