Portuguese India Essays

  • Vasco da Gama's Exploration of India and Portuguese Voyages of Discovery

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    Vasco da Gama's Exploration of India and Portuguese Voyages of Discovery When asked which nation contributed the most to sea exploration in the fifteenth century, the obvious answer is Spain. What if there were another nation, a nation whose contributions were far more than landing one continent? What if there was a nation that in only 100 years managed to sail in every ocean, every major sea, touched every continent except Antarctica and possibly Australia, and were the first Europeans to land

  • Vasco Da Gama Research Paper

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    Background Vasco Da Gama was a highly respected and successful Portuguese sailor. His name is synonymous with the European Age of Exploration. Vasco Da Gama is perhaps well-known for his efforts in establishing Portugal as a major colonial empire. He is most famous for being the first person to sail directly from Europe to India (Biography.com, 2015; BBC, 2014; Szalay, 2013). His philosophy is perhaps embodied in the statement “I am not afraid of the darkness”, which signifies the courage with which

  • An Essay About Vasco Da Gama

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    (biography.com). Even with his experience, it is unclear why Vasco was chosen to lead the first ever voyage from Portugal to India by sea. Eventually, Vasco da Gama was sent on multiple successful excursions to India and brought home valuable goods each time. In 1497, King Manuel I chose da Gama to lead a voyage, and this was the first time someone had attempted to sail from India to Portugal by sea (history.com). King Manuel I wanted to establish trading alliances, but also wished to label himself as

  • Bombay

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    reclamations, formed part of the kingdom of Ashoka, the famous Emperor of India. After his death, these islands passed into the hands of various Hindu rulers until 1343. In that year, the Mohammedans of Gujerat took possession and the Kings of that province of India ruled for the next two centuries. The only vestige (mark) of their dominion over these islands that remains today is the mosque at Mahim. In 1534 the Portuguese, who already possessed many important trading centers on the western coast

  • Expansion of western europe

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    Western Europe. Western Europe consists of the Dutch, French, and British. While Western Europe was exploring new worlds overseas, the Russians were expanding westward across all of Eurasia. Religion played a major role in expansion for both the Portuguese and the Spanish due to their extensive anti-Muslim crusade. Due to the over zealous religious fervor of the Christian Iberians, Christianity and thus the Iberians expanded into parts of western Europe during the crusades as Christians tried to convert

  • Ferdinand Magellan

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    Ferdinand Magellan was bornabout 1480 in Sabrosa of a noble Portuguese family. His parents, who were members of nobility, died when he was about10 years old. At the age of 12, Magellan became a page to Queen Leanor at the royal court. Such a position commonly served as a means of education for sons of the Portuguese nobility. At the court, Magellan learned about the voyages of such explorers as Christopher Columbus of Italy and Vasco da Gama of Portugal. He also learned the fundamentalsof navigation

  • Figures of the Renaissance - Ferdinand Magellan

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    1480 to lesser nobles living near Vila Real in northern Portugal, Magellan was raised as a page to the Portuguese king John II in the royal court at Lisbon. Magellan was educated from then on, becoming interested in geography and astronomy, thus in 1496 he became a squire. In the year 1505 Magellan would get his first taste of the sea, at the age of 20. He was sent to India to install Portuguese viceroy Francisco de Almeida, as well as establish naval bases along the way. As it turns out, Magellan

  • F1

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    It really all started at the end of the first lap of 1988 Portuguese Grand Prix. Aryton Senna and Alain Prost were nearing the end of their first season driving together in the totally dominant Mclaren Honda team. All season long, the tension between these two great drivers had been building as the battle for the drivers crown intensified. But, even the most informed observer in Portugal could never have dreamt of what was about to be unleashed along with its impact on the consequences for Formula

  • Pelé - One of the Greatest Soccer Players of All Time

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    throughout his soccer career. He would repair his and his teammates shoes because very few soccer teams had people to do it for them. About the time he took that job, he was given the nickname of Pelé. The word, which has no literal translation in Portuguese, was given to him by the boys he used to play soccer with. Pelé didn’t like it at the time, because he thought they were making fun of him. He sometimes got into fights with his friends over it, and asked them to call him Edson, his r... ... middle

  • The Emergence and Africanization of Catholic Christianity in the Kongo

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    traditional religion. The kings of Kongo did not try to replace previous beliefs and practices with Christianity, nor did they simply mask their traditional religion, but rather they incorporated Christian doctrines, rituals, and some aspects of Portuguese Christian culture such as literacy and medicine, into the framework of the traditional Kongolese lifestyle. Three ways by which we can evaluate the Catholicism that developed in the kingdom of Kongo are through examining how the Kings’ personal

  • Imperialsim in Madagascar

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    get more power. I believe France wanted Madagascar because it had found that the country’s land was inadequate for further growth so to posses more land they saw Madagascar and what it had to offer them, and protectorated it. During the 1600s the Portuguese, the English, and the French, successful or not, tried to colonize Madagascar. This was the first attempt of any kind to penetrate Madagascar. In 1869 the French attained and expanded their political influence in Madagascar. In 1896, after a native

  • Resistance to Imperialism and the Zulu War

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    based mainly on conversion, the Islamic armies never penetrated deeply into sub-Saharan Africa. In the middle of the 15th century, Portuguese explorers began to establish trading outposts along the western coast of Africa, thus beginning the first steps toward imperialism by European nations. It is estimated that the first trading of Africans as slaves by the Portuguese began in 1444. The West African kingdom of Benin, however, still suc...

  • History Of Portugal

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    Under King Emanuel, Portuguese power reached its height. From 1497 to 1499 Vasco da Gama made the first voyage to India following the route discovered by Dias, and inaugurated a lucrative trade in spices and other luxuries between Europe and South Asia. Led by Afonso de Albuquerque, the Portuguese occupied Goa, India, in 1510, Malacca (now Melaka, Malaysia) in 1511, the Moluccas (in present-day Indonesia) in 1512-14, and Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf in 1515. During the same period they opened

  • The African Country of Mozambique

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    square miles and has a population of about sixteen million. Maputo is the capitol, largest city, and chief port. Mozambique was governed by Portugal from the early 1500's until 1975 when it became independent after a ten year struggle against Portuguese rule. Mozambique is now controlled by Frelimo (the front for the liberation of Mozambique) the nations only political party. The president of Frelimo is also the nations president. Mozambiques highest governmental power lies with the parties

  • Portuguese Essay

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    A nossa associação, ou seja, a Associação de Professores para a Educação Intercultural fez agora, em Setembro de 2003, dez anos. Surgiu ligada a um projecto que existiu no tempo em que o Engenheiro Roberto Carneiro era Ministro da Educação, que foi sem dúvida, para mim, mas também sou duvidosa ao afirmar isto porque ele foi meu professor e eu gosto imenso dele e surgiu praticamente porque ele começou a preocupar-se com estas situações dos filhos dos imigrantes que vinham das ex-colónias e

  • How to Survive Portuguese Taxi Ride

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    How to Survive Portuguese Taxi Ride Less than twenty-four hours after arriving in Portugal, I was introduced to my first taxi ride. I was traveling with a native Portuguese girl, Sandra Batista. Sandra called a taxi to take us to our home. I hadn't, yet, experienced a taxi ride in Portugal. I had heard how dreadful these rides can be, especially the first time. "Consider yourself forewarned," a friend had cautioned a few minutes before I boarded the plane. He was, of course, referring

  • Jellyfish Venom

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    described. Background The marine creatures commonly known as jellyfish are members of the phylum Cnidaria. Of the four classes of cnidarians, jellyfish come from both the Hydrozoa and Scyphozoa classes. Most jellyfish are schphozoids, while the Portuguese Man-of-War (Physalia physalis) is a hydroid. As cnidarians, jellyfish possess two tissue types: endoderm and ectoderm, in addition to a single cell layer of jelly-like mesoglea between the endoderm and the ectoderm (Russell 21). Jellyfish exhibit

  • The Melungeons: Turkish Roots in the New World

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    the whites, thus this mixture was going to become the formation of the present day Melungeons. Current popular theory suggests that the Melungeons were descendants of abandoned Portuguese and Spanish settlers. The English word Melungeon has both Arabic and Turkish roots, meaning "cursed soul." Also in Portuguese, "Melungo" means shipmate. In the Turkish language Melungeons are called Melun-can, "Melun" being a borrowed word from Arabic meaning one that carries bad luck and ill omen. And "can

  • Portuguese Immigration Testimonial

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    remember listening to my father tell me stories about New England. My favorite story was about the explorers and how they came to find New England. He told me that there was a nautical map that dates back to 1424 which depicted New England and that a Portuguese Sailor, Dualmo, arrived in New England in 1487, five years prior to Christopher Columbus whom supposedly was the first man to discover New England. My parents and I were the last in my immediate family to travel to New England. My grandfather

  • Uruguay

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    settlement was made by the Spanish on the Río Negro at Soriano. Between 1680 and 1683, Portuguese colonists in Brazil established several settlements along the Río de la Plata opposite Buenos Aires. However, the Spanish didn't make any attempts to remove the Portuguese until the year of 1723, when the latter began fortifying the heights around the Bay of Montevideo. A Spanish expedition forced the Portuguese to abandon this site, and there the Spanish founded the city of Montevideo in 1726. In