Oolong Essays

  • Short Essay: Benefits Of Green Tea

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    BENEFITS OF GREEN TEA Green tea comes from the same plant as white, black, and oolong tea – Camellia sinensis– a plant native to Asia. Two major varieties are grown — Camellia sinensis var. sinensis for Chinese teas, and Camellia sinensis var. assamica for Indian Assam teas; the former was the first tea plant to be discovered and is the source of most green teas in the market. Green tea is unfermented, while black tea is fermented. Green tea is particularly rich in substances called polyphenols which

  • Essay On Tea

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    Gimenez, & Lopez, 2003). However, the features of tea from different countries may have different appearance, aroma, and flavor characteristic. In general, tea can classified into four major categories that are green tea, white tea, black tea, and oolong tea (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). The first type of tea is green tea. It is a regular selected among people because every grocery store offers green tea beverages for sale. Since the ancient Chinese have known about the remedial benefits of tea

  • A Daily Dose of Tea for Good Health

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    Drinking a cup of tea offers countless benefits for your health. Aside from its soothing aroma that calms the nerves and relaxes the mind, drinking tea protects your body from free radicals that cause aging, as well as treats many ailments like cold, diabetes and indigestion. With the numerous benefits of tea, it’s never too late to start brewing a bag of this good stuff. Yes, now is really a good time to embrace a tea-drinking habit. Whether it be white, yellow, black or green—you can get a load

  • The Tea Plant

    2210 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Tea Plant The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is one of about 80 species of East Asian evergreen shrubs and trees that belong to the tea family, or Theaceae. Tea reaches a height of 9 meters but is kept pruned to a low, mounded shrub in cultivation. The foliage is emerald green, while the flowers are fragrant, yellow-centered, white and about 4 centimeters wide. History Tea plant cultivation began about 4,000 years ago in its native country, China. The Japanese did not discover the plant

  • Green Tea Case Study

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    Two-thirds of the world’s population consumes tea.1 The three major types of tea are black, oolong, and green. These types of tea differ in how they are produced and if they are fermented. Black tea is produced by oxidizing the leaves. This method intensifies the flavor and turns the leaves a dark brown color. Oolong tea is made by partially exposing the leaves to air. It is considered to be an intermediate between black and green tea in terms of flavor and caffeine levels. Green tea is the only

  • The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

    2338 Words  | 5 Pages

    Outside a cape style home in Lee, New Hampshire snow fell steadily. Inside a group of women and young girls gathered around the dining room table sipping hot tea and eating delicate, creamy scones. Beth Mennelle, national sales director for Simple Graces, served green and black tea then let guests brew a cup of tea of their choice. Simple Graces of Durham, N.H. offers home based tea parties so people can sample and learn about the preparation of tea. They sell over 30 loose leaf teas and herbal

  • Japanese Drinking Tea Essay

    1163 Words  | 3 Pages

    Most of Japanese people drink tea by habit. We generally drink Green tea, Barley tea, Oolong tea and other tea. Recently some people drink herb tea, flavor tea, having said that the Green tea is the mainstream of the Japanese drinking tea culture. WHEN - When do you drink tea? In Japan, most usually drink tea when we were thirsty, during

  • Tea: A Global Production and Consumption Analysis

    1259 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tea is the most generally devoured refreshment. India and China are individually the biggest and second biggest makers and customers of tea. These two nations together record for half of world's tea creation.. On the other hand they trade not exactly a quarter of their generation, because of substantial household request. According to an overview on utilization of refreshments, Tea represents 90%, Filtered espresso 4%, Malted wellbeing refreshments 2%, moment espresso 2% ,and carbonated soda pops

  • Essay On Anti Inflammatory Diet

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    Whether you have a chronic illness or are interested in eating well to prevent disease, the anti-inflammatory diet is gaining traction as a viable way to plan your meals in order to avoid inflammation that can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, painful joints, and other ailments. Read on to learn about the components of an anti-inflammatory diet and what foods you should avoid. Experts note that an anti-inflammatory diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet, a heart-healthy way of

  • Case Study: Franchising

    782 Words  | 2 Pages

    Franchising Gong cha is a successful international beverage franchise specializing in Tea, Juice and Coffee. Started in sunny southern-western Kaohsiung, it has grown to more than 860 stores across 18 countries worldwide as of 2014, with a catalogue of over fifty-seven drinks and now it is still growing (Gong Cha, 2010). Franchising strategy is one of the entry mode that can recommend to Gong Cha to expand overseas. According to Daniels(2004), franchising is a specialized form of licensing for the

  • Processing of Black Tea

    3076 Words  | 7 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Tea is a beverage made from the leaves of the shrub Camellia sinensis, consumed all around the world. It is prepared by mixing the leaves in the hot or boiling water. The origin of tea is believed to happen in Southern and Eastern parts of China, Assam region of India, Myanmar and Tibet. But, the country that extensively started the cultivation of tea was China for thousands of years(Chakraverty, 2003; Mohammad, 2011). There are two varieties of tea, Camellia sinensis sinensis from

  • Indian Take Out Summary

    1036 Words  | 3 Pages

    As I walked into the tea shop in San Francisco’s Chinatown, I felt a sense of excitement. I sat down and ordered my favorite tea, tieguanyin. Tieguanyin is the variety of Chinese oolong tea that I drank a lot as a child in China. The waiter came by with my drink and I took my first sip, full of expectations. The sense of excitement I felt walking into the shop quickly turned into sorrow. Not only did it not taste the same, I did not feel the same fondness that I felt drinking the tea in China.

  • Tea Tree Oil Essay

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tea tree oil for oral thrush Tea tree oil has been long known for its several benefits especially to our skins, nails and hair. In addition, one more benefit of using tea tree oil that people hardly know or have never heard of is to treat oral thrush or yeast infection. For that reason, this article below will discuss some ways to use tea tree oil for oral thrush treatment as well as some benefits and side effects of this natural oil. So what is tea tree oil? Before discussing further about the

  • Persuasive Essay On Tea

    1134 Words  | 3 Pages

    teas scientific evidence suggests you should be drinking daily to lower your cancer risk. GREEN TEA Green tea is a very popular beverage in Japan and parts of China, making up nearly a fifth of tea production worldwide. In fact green tea, white tea, Oolong tea and black tea are

  • White Tea Essay

    1270 Words  | 3 Pages

    10 Health Benefits of White Tea https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/beverage/white-tea.html Are you looking for ways to reduce your weight, have healthy skin, improve your oral health and reduce your risk of cancer? Well white tea can help you do just that and more. I’m sure you have heard of, or even consumed several other teas such as jasmine tea, chamomile tea, green tea and matcha tea. In the East, tea is consumed as a common beverage with drinkers using it to gain happiness, wisdom

  • South Beach Company (SoBe) Flavored Mineral Water Strategy

    3071 Words  | 7 Pages

    were into health and fitness as a way of life, the first product introduced, SoBe Black Tea 3G with Ginseng, Ginkgo and Guarana brought an overwhelming response. As a result, the company gained ground and immediately introduced SoBe Green Tea, SoBe Oolong Tea, SoBe Orange Carrot Elixir, SoBe Cranberry Grapefruit Elixir and SoBe Energy. These products started the company and now serve as the foundation for future brand development. Most SoBe beverages are sold in a 20 oz. glass “lizard” bottle that