White Tea Essay

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10 Health Benefits of White Tea https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/beverage/white-tea.html Are you looking for ways to reduce your weight, have healthy skin, improve your oral health and reduce your risk of cancer? Well white tea can help you do just that and more.
I’m sure you have heard of, or even consumed several other teas such as jasmine tea, chamomile tea, green tea and matcha tea. In the East, tea is consumed as a common beverage with drinkers using it to gain happiness, wisdom and perfect health. Several studies have confirmed the health benefits of tea drinking and encourage it as an alternative to coffee because of its low caffeine percentage.
What is White Tea?
There are several factors considered before categorizing any tea as white tea. The first being tea made from young or immature buds. Secondly, it refers to …show more content…

It also requires less time and labor in comparison due to the minimal processing.
White tea is believed to have originated from China, with the production process used today created in the 1700s. Various types of white tea are created using various types of tea bushes.
Benefits of White Tea
White tea has up to thrice as much antioxidants as other types of teas. It has fluorides, tannins and flavonoids including catechins and polyphenols. How do all these antioxidants and flavonoids improve your health? Let’s look at some of the ways in which white tea can be beneficial to you. 1) Increased Antioxidant Levels
A free radical is an unstable molecule inside our bodies that attacks a stable molecule to steal its electrons to become stable. Therefore, it forms another free radical beginning a chain reaction that can result in organ damage. White tea contains polyphenols that neutralize these free radicals by donating their own electrons to stop the chain

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