Libéralisme Essays

  • Discours Des Droits De L'homme Au Sens D'un Retour A Aristote

    3023 Words  | 7 Pages

    ABSTRACT: It is interesting to see Aristotle's observation of natural law in order to renew the ideal of law against the Marxist theory of society, to renounce the normative theory of the nation, and to study the liberal theory of information. All this allows us to expect the realization of social justice and human rights from the institutionalization of markets (agora) and the precondition of the boundary of the general culture (paideia), namely the communitarian ethics and the moral reformation

  • Hegel and The Libertarians

    2943 Words  | 6 Pages

    Hegel and The Libertarians ABSTRACT: This paper aims to show how the Hegelian philosophy can contribute to the conceptual discussions between the two strains of contemporary ethical-political philosophy. I argue that the Hegelian political theory is of central import to the discussion between communitarians and libertarians, both in the communitarian criticism of the libertarian — mainly in Michael Sandel's criticism of Rawls — and in the Rawlsian project of a society founded in justice as equality

  • Personnalisme Essay

    2244 Words  | 5 Pages

    Université Saint Esprit - Kaslik Faculté Pontificale de Théologie Le Personnalisme Préparé par BTEICH Tanios Présenté au D. ABI AAD Randa Kaslik - Liban 2014 Introduction Le personnalisme, une notion récente dans le domaine philosophique, n’est selon Emmanuel Mounier, ni un système ni une doctrine. Cette pensée est tel toute philosophie de la personne, inspirée de la tradition Chrétienne et se fonde sur cette tradition et culture. Ce courant d'idées, est pour beaucoup de chercheurs, une troisième