Hemostasis Essays

  • Hemophilia

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    that doesn't have it in their heredity line" (Hemophilia 1). Another way to diagnose it is to run tests on the blood. "One of the screening tests is used to check for primary hemostasis. This test would come back normal if the platelet count, and bleeding time were normal. The second test would check the secondary hemostasis. A normal result would be that there is enough fibrin formed to complete blood clotting. In both tests, negative results would show abnormally low levels of each. Then if

  • Antiplatelet Essay

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    1.1 DRUG INTRODUCTION Antiplatelet drug are used to treat heart disease. They are powerful medications that prevent the formation of blood clots. When you are wounded, platelets arrive on the scene and group together, forming a blood clot that stops the bleeding. When an injury involves a break in your skin, this is a good thing. But platelets can also aggregate when injury to a blood vessel occurs from within the inside, as may happen in an artery affected by atherosclerosis. In this situation

  • Clotting Patch Essay

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    I. Background Information and Clinical Need As for treating hemophilia, replacement therapy is a main treatment as concentrates of clotting factor VIII for hemophilia A or clotting factor IX for hemophilia B are injected into a vein. These infusions help replace the clotting factor that’s missing. These recombinant clotting factors are easy to store, mix and use at home, which takes about 15 minutes to receive the factor. Complications of Replacement Therapy exist as developing antibodies might

  • External Bleeding

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    Bleeding is the loss of blood from the body and can be either internal or external. Internal bleeding occurs when blood is leaking inside the body from vessels or organs. External bleeding occurs when blood is flowing outside of the body through a cut or natural opening such as the skin, mouth, nose, etc. Internal bleeding can occur due to blunt trauma or penetrating trauma. Blunt trauma occurs when your body hits something at a high speed, but the object does not break through the skin. Even though

  • Thrombocytopenia Informative Speech Outline

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    Introduction Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this week’s meeting of Haematology for Humans. The topic we will be discussing today is Thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count) can affect anyone of you here today which makes it a significant issue in community health. Thrombocytes or platelets are small fragments made during the process of thrombopoiesis. This process can sometimes be disrupted or damaged in conditions such as Cancer, Autoimmune disorder or clotting disease to

  • Mitochondrial Exercise

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    Because of the critical role of stem cells in the complex process of cartilage reconstruction, we examined and evaluated whether common hemostasis agents used intra-articularly affect hMSCs. To date, studies have focused only on the efficacy of these medications for hemostasis and the effects on the operative visual field. We chose epinephrine as the hemostasis agent because it improves operative field clearance and is a commonly used medicine.1, 16, 17 Vasopressin has been used as a vasopressor

  • Hypovolemic Shock Essay

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    While the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are most reliant on one another, all body systems require a functioning circulatory cycle in order to thrive. Consistent transfer of oxygen through blood vessels is required to maintain cell and tissue life. Without this cells and later tissues will die Disturbances to this process cause cells and tissues to die (Red Cross 48). This required state in which all body systems are functioning properly is called homeostasis, defined as a “condition of equilibrium

  • The Disease of Thrombocytosis

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    The human body is dependent on interconnectedness of its systems to maintain homeostasis. Internal and external factors can potentially contribute to a disruption of homeostasis. If the body is not returned to homeostasis by negative feedback mechanisms then complications arise which can be detected by a battery of tests (Museum of Science & Industry, 2013). For example, a 40-year-old man enters the clinic with complaining of chest pains, the negative feedback systems have not returned the body to

  • Compare And Contrast Leah's Symptoms And The Autopsy Findings Consistent With Shaken Baby Syndrome

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    1) Are Leah’s symptoms and the autopsy findings consistent with shaken baby syndrome? Explain your answer. ANS: Leah, a 4 month old was found to suffer from brain hemorrhage. She was claimed to be fussy and vomited for three days straight. She also suffered from Subdural Hematoma as well as brain swelling. According to her autopsy report, there were multiple hemorrhages in Leah’s brain and right eye. All these symptoms as well as the autopsy report are consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

  • Hypovolemic Shock Case Study

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    significant blood loss from the body, and all components of the hematologic system, or from blood, has its own function as a response (Kolecki “Pathophysiology”). The body’s process of quickly locating and slowing down bleeding within the body is called hemostasis. As soon as a blood vessel is broken, both the liquid and solid components within the blood effect how the body responds (Tortura 703). The largest component of the blood is the Plasma, a liquid substance made up of 91.5% water and 8.5% solutes

  • Naphrology Personal Statement

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    interest in nephrology. During a renal rotation in Singapore General Hospital, I palpated a parathyroid gland in the right arm of a tertiary hyper-parathyroid ESRD patient. I was awed by the complex pathophysiology of how the kidney handles body hemostasis and balance and was amazed by the innovative clinical medicine that intelligently addressed the problem. My interest in mathematics, fluid balance and electrolyte makes nephrology an intuitive choice for me. In the past four years, I have lived

  • Benefits Of Laser In Dentistry

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    during surgery and suturing was contraindicated as healing takes place in advance (10). It was reported that the speech improved dramatically after surgery. CO2 lasers have been popular in oral surgery due to their precise incisions and excellent hemostasis. It is commonly used laser for incisional & excisional biopsies.(PecaroBC,GarchumeWJ.The CO2 laser in Oral and maxillofacial surgery. J.OralMaxillofacSurg 1983.41:725-728ii.clinical application of the CO2Laser in Laser in dentistry …Ch.10 p145.

  • parathyroidectomy

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    Outcome and prognosis In experienced hands parathyroidectomy, the success rate range between 95- 98%. Normalizes serum calcium and PTH, reduces the risk of fracture in those with symptomatic and asymptomatic disease, may provide minor improvements in neurocognitive dysfunction in those with mild PHPT, reduces the incidence of renal stones, and regress the septal hypertrophy. Postparathyroidectomy Management The immediate postoperative management of the postparathyroidectomy patient focuses particular

  • The Healing Power of the Body

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    paper cut and think, “Ok body, coagulate!” The body jumps into action automatically and without any prompting from our conscious mind. In a typical wound, the body goes through four stages; hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2903966/). In hemostasis, the skin constricts and a clot forms. Once the cut has coagulated, the inflammation cells enter the wound and remove invading microbes and debris. The proliferation phase overlaps with the

  • Domestic Violence Counseling Program Specializing in Spousal Rape

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    "Marital Rape Rescue" Introduction This program will focus on D.A.R.T, a Domestic Violence Counseling Program, who specializes in spousal rape. Victims of marital rape may find themselves left helpless and unaware of their options to escape the current abusive situation, much less finding anyone who understands their situation. Among many other fears, victims may believe they do not have a justifiable case against their spouse. Here we will discuss what programs are currently available, spousal

  • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

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    To stop the blood flow after damage, body uses three ways to maintain hemostasis; vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, and coagulation. Coagulation is an important process to prevent loss of blood when blood vessels are cut or damaged. Blood clot is a plug of platelet reinforce with the mesh of fibrin. However, a person with Disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC, the blood clots have formed throughout the blood vessels when does not necessary. It leads to organ damages due to blocked blood

  • College Essay On Facial Injury

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    Traumatic facial injuries are extremely common. Since the faces have aesthetic units and several organs, plastic surgeons must be very meticulous and skillful in order to provide definitive treatment in the emergency department [1]. Otherwise, permanent injury or disfigurement may negatively affect patients’ future. Early treatment on soft tissue wounds of the face is required because once the trauma gets server, it will have the detrimental effect on the growth of facial bones [1]. Soft-Tissue injuries

  • Blood Transfusion Case Study

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    Introduction Blood transfusions serve a key function in saving lives within hospitals. Health professionals use them to substitute blood loss during a surgery or following a serious injury to a patient. Blood transfusions also contribute to boosting the body’s health and preventing further bleeding by giving patients blood rich in nutrients and coagulation factors. A small needle inserted into the intravenous system of patients helps deliver healthy blood to them, and the process may take one to

  • Effects Of Homeostasis On The Skeletal System

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    Homeostasis is responsible for keeping biological conditions intact, such as our PH levels and blood pressure. As stated in Chapter 1.1 Overview of Anatomy and Physiology, it is “the state of steady internal conditions maintained by living things.” It also serves as the process that maintains and regulates our natural functioning, in other words. The importance of homeostasis in the body is to make sure that each internal role is functioning correctly. Throughout this paper, we will discuss how homeostasis

  • Master Athlete Case Study

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    exponentially. One of the biggest components of aging is that an athlete’s muscles begin to become more fatigued and damaged more when performing in an exercise session. Muscular fatigue is a very strong indicator of how the body can function and maintain hemostasis under the stress of exercise. As a person gets older these seems to be three different components that cause this increase in muscle fatigue and damage. These three are that older individuals are far more susceptible to muscle damage because the