Fracture Essays

  • Essay On Femoral Fracture

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    Femoral Fracture A Femur (femoral) Fracture is one of the major causes of death nationwide. Studies have shown, regardless of a patient's age, that an early stage of the fracture has fewer complications. That approach can happen with minimal incision, and without an enormous amount of blood loss, meaning patients can get back on their feet faster. The fracture is classified by where the location of the fracture is (distal, middle, proximal), how the fracture is broken in specific directions, and

  • Nasal Fracture Research Paper

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    Nasal Fracture A nasal fracture is a break or crack in the bones or cartilage of the nose. Minor breaks do not require treatment. These breaks usually heal on their own in about a month. Serious breaks may require surgery. CAUSES This condition is usually caused by a blunt injury to the nose. This type of injury often occurs from: • Contact sports. • Car accidents. • Falls. • Getting punched. SYMPTOMS Symptoms of this condition include: • Pain. • Swelling of the nose. • Bleeding

  • Ankle Fracture Essay

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction An ankle fracture is a break in one or more of the three bones that make up the ankle joint. The ankle joint is made up by the lower (distal) sections of your lower leg bones (tibia and fibula) along with a bone in your foot (talus). Depending on how bad the break is and if more than one ankle joint bone is broken, a cast or splint is used to protect and keep your injured bone from moving while it heals. Sometimes, surgery is required to help the fracture heal properly. There are two

  • Essay On Greenstick Fracture

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    Greenstick Fracture, Child A greenstick fracture is a partial break in a bone. With this type of fracture, one side of the bone is broken and the other is bent. Greenstick fractures are more common in children than adults because adult bones are more brittle and more likely to break all the way through. CAUSES Fractures occur when a force is placed on a bone and the force is greater than the bone can withstand. A greenstick fracture is most often caused by: A fall onto an arm or leg.

  • Essay On Hip Stress Fracture

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hip Stress Fracture A hip stress fracture is one or more tiny cracks in the hip bone. This type of fracture happens because of repeated stress on the hip bone. Stress fractures are often caused by increasing your level of physical activity too quickly. Most hip stress fractures happen in the femoral neck. The femoral neck is the area of the upper leg bone (femur) that connects the ball of the femur to the rest of the femur. The ball of the femur fits into the socket of the pelvis to form the

  • Understanding Fractures: Causes and Consequences

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    Fractures A fracture is a break, usually in a bone. Fractures commonly happen because of car accidents, falls or sports injuries (Fractures: MedlinePlus). Stress fractures, which are very tiny cracks in the bone, can occur when there is an overuse of the bone which is common with athletes(Fractures: MedlinePlus). You may also be prone to broken bones if you have osteoporosis or another bone disease which causes weakening of the bones (Fractures: MedlinePlus).When I fractured my wrist I experienced

  • Scaphoid Fracture Research Paper

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    Scaphoid Fracture A scaphoid fracture is a break in one of the small bones of the wrist. The scaphoid bone is located on the thumb side of the wrist. It supports the other seven bones that make up the wrist. The scaphoid bone has a poor blood supply, so it can take a long time to heal. You may need to wear a cast or splint for several months. CAUSES This injury is usually caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand and arm. This type of injury may also occur if you are in a motor vehicle collision

  • Boxer's Fracture Case Study

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    BOXER’S FRACTURE According to Mosby’s Dictionary, a Boxer’s Fracture is defined by a break in one or two of the metacarpal bones, usually the fourth or fifth. This type of fracture is usually caused by punching a hard object. The fracture is most often distal, angulated, and impacted. INITIAL VIST: MEDICAL HISTORY The patient was an 18 year old Caucasian male. He arrived at Chatham Orthopaedic Clinic during the evening trauma clinic with his father on 14 March, 2014. His Chief Complaint was his left

  • Femoral Neck Fracture Research Paper

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    A femoral neck fracture is an injury sustained to the weakest part of the femur bone, the neck. These injuries are usually seen in active young individuals after serious trauma and in elderly populations from falling. That being said, the elderly population is more prone to this injury due to the lack of density and the loss of minerals overtime within their bones. Femoral Neck Fractures can be devastating and can cause many obstacles in a person’s life. Treatment is a crucial part of rehabilitation

  • The Significance of Modulus of Elasticity and Fracture Toughness for Resine Composites

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    Group 2: The significance of modulus of elasticity and fracture toughness for resin composites Kelly Griffith, Lance Gunter, Joshua Haentges, Erik Hageman, Zohra Hasham, Nellab Hashimi Modulus of elasticity is defined as the comparative stiffness of a material. A stiffer material will have a higher elastic modulus. Fracture toughness is the amount of stress required to propagate a preexisting flaw. It describes resistance of a material with a pre-existing flaw to fail. These two properties will

  • Risk Factors for Loss of Fixation of Pediatric Supracondylar Humeral Fractures.

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    had analyzed of 256 consecutive supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children admitted from January 2010 to December 2012 operated by 17 surgeons and residents. The institu¬tion is located in a rural setting and is a referral center for trauma for the region. All patients with open growth plates and those aged below 12 years who were treated for a supracondylar humerus fracture during the study period were included. Patients with open fractures were excluded from the study. Clinical data and

  • Analysis of the art of Pablo Palazuelo

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    dormant sensibilities. Geologic form was unearthed before me in this manner several years ago during a visit to the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español in Cuenca, Spain. The Lunariae series of Pablo Palazuelo caught my eye. At first glance I saw a brittle fracture system, not unlike ones I had mapped in a surface outcropping of rock or in an u... ... middle of paper ... ...uries ago were forgotten and foresees those not yet born" (Energy, Matter and Form essay, Soledad Lorenzo, 9). Palazuelo's presentient

  • Essay On Car Body Manufacturing

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    i. Car Body Car bodies are usually made of steel or aluminium. They both have different properties and prices ranges that make it ideal. Aluminium has a lower density meaning the car will be lighter than if it was made from steel. It also doesn’t corrode easily so a car made of aluminium will last longer than that made from steel as the steel contains iron which will corrode. In saying this aluminium is much more expensive, and although it has better properties is may take the price of the car up

  • Essay On Clavicle Fracture

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    Clavicle Fracture (Distal End) With Rehab The clavicle, also called the collarbone, is the long bone that connects your shoulder to your rib cage. You can feel your collarbone at the top of your shoulders and rib cage. A distal clavicle fracture is a break (fracture) that occurs in the outer third of the clavicle, near the joint between the collarbone and one of the shoulder bones (acromion). This is a common injury that can happen at any age. If the fracture extends into the joint at the top of

  • Bone Fracture Essay

    1238 Words  | 3 Pages

    disabling injuries such as fractures. A bone fracture is a medical term in which a bone becomes cracked, splintered, or severed as a result of physical trauma when the force exerted on the bone is stronger than the bone can withstand. Bone fractures are very common; the average person fractures their bone twice during their lifetime. As we get older, we lose calcium and other minerals in our bones making it weak and susceptible to breaking more easily. Fractures can occur in any bone in

  • Types Of Bone Fracture

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    about what is a fracture, the types of bone fracture, how is diagnosed, the treatment and the prevention. What is a fracture? A fracture is a break in continuity of a bone. Fractures might occur when you’re involved in a serious accident, when you fall, due to sport injures or when a part of your body is stuck for a long time in something. Fractures may also occur through some diseases like osteoporosis. (Schultz, 1990) Types of bone fracture There are different types of fractures, the type of

  • Calcaneal Fracture Essay

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    The etiology of calcaneal fracture is usually high energy trauma such as fall from a height or motor vehicle crash 1,2. Intra articular fractures of calcaneus occurs following eccentric loading of the talus on the calcaneus.(fig 5.1) The severity, type and location of fracture are determined by the position of the foot, the direction and magnitude of applied force and quality of bone 49. Eccentric axial loading of talus on calcaneus produces a primary shear line that is parallel to posterolateral

  • Essay On Stress Fracture

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    A stress fracture may be one of the most provoking injuries a runner can develop. Runners just always want to improve their personal best time and challenge themselves on how far they can run. But runners never pay attention to what they can do to their feet in the long term. This fracture usually occurs after a sudden increase in activity, and result from overuse. As a runner’s distance increases or intensity of the run, adjustment of the muscles may occur rapidly than bones. The human foot has

  • Broken Bone Fracture Essay

    1335 Words  | 3 Pages

    1-800-MALPRACTICE Website Fractures/Broken Bones A fracture, which is another term for a broken bone, is a common injury usually resulting from a fall, motor vehicle accident or other type of trauma. Fractures can occur in any part of the body that contains bones; from the skull to the ankle and everywhere in between. Fractures vary widely in terms of type and severity. Medical professionals usually classify fractures into one of the following categories: Single Fracture: This is the term for a bone

  • Hip Fracture Research Paper

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    Hip fractures pose a significant public health problem among today’s elderly population. With the number of elderly citizens (ages 65 and older) continuing to increase, it is likely that the number of hip fractures will increase as well. Each year more than 300,000 elderly people are hospitalized for hip fractures ("Hip Fractures Among Older Adults," n.d.). Studies show that 15% to 25% of hip fracture patients die within one year, and about 9 out of 10 hip fractures occur in individuals over 60