Cashier Essays

  • nhu nguyen

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    attention from people. The weather was calm and not too sunny. It makes the shoppers seem relaxed on a weekend morning. The first thing that I caught my attention in the place is the distribution of race and gender of the workers. Except for the cashier positions, I only saw the male work as the grocery clerks, the stock man and the baggers. Based on their skin color and their language, I can assume most of them are Hispanic male. I did not see a single white or black person work there. To explain

  • One Day at Work

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    sneakers. Little red PharMor vest. Every single day. No variation, no chance for change or creativity. When working somewhere as mundane as a grocery store, you almost pray that something exciting happens to you during the day. But never does a cashier hope to encounter a tremendously irascible customer, the way that one summer day turned out for me. I followed my humdrum routine, arriving for work on time, punching in, and returning to the front to begin my shift. The store was mostly calm

  • Desicions

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    entre outcome would alter. Try not to focus too much, on what might have been and spend that energy wondering what will be. Six years after the injury, the decisions made are evident. Financially the income is still less but much improved from the cashier position. Work is more enjoyable and personal and professional ties have grown. The satisfaction from completing college, even just the AAS degree has been fulfilling and worth the path to get there. Going back and making different decisions would

  • Benefits Of A Cashier

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    with the cashier. This is because generally cashiers have had a bad reputation put on them as being both not understanding and not helpful at all. However, as a cashier it is best to have each transaction go quickly and smoothly for the best working experience and shopping experience for the customers. One can improve as cashier by keeping in mind personal integrity, keeping up with social interactions, and valuing the workplace. Personal integrity should be valued while working as a cashier. First

  • Cashier At Wegmans

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    applied for a job as a cashier at Wegmans. I was offered the job and my first few months working there made me dread the weekends I had spend on my feet for six hours at a time. I did not have any friends at work. I came in the latest I had to be there and left the soonest I could. When I am on register, my managers tell me when it is time to take my lunch. If I need to step off for minute to run to the bathroom or quench my thirst, I need to ask a manager. Being a cashier is a repetitive job- scan

  • Cashier In Squidward Tentacles

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    A fast food cashier is a job that requires a great deal of patience but not very much of skill. Every cashier is different but more than likely the cashier is going to be the upset cranky person they are. Although this group may sometimes act like this, the media has portrayed this feeling upon them. Squidward Tentacles, a cartoon squid, from the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants is a superb example of this. Squidward is a miserable squid who works at a fast food restaurant, The Krusty Krab, as the lone

  • A Lesson Learned For The Cashier In John Updikes A & P

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    A Lesson Learned for the Cashier in John Updikes “A&P” “A&P” tells a story about a young cashier who starts out being prejudice and bias, but then realizes he is just like the others he had been judging all day, and decides to prove he is different and gets caught up underneath everyone. In John Updikes “A&P”, the young cashier who is the main character, becomes the victim of his own opinionated statements. Sammy, a young cashier at a local market shows his very biased opinions when he describes

  • Personal Narrative: My Job As A Dairy Queen Cashier

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    did not seem much bigger than me or the small town that I live in. However, after telling my family what happened and paying more attention to the news, I have come to realize that it was much bigger. This is the story of my job as a Dairy Queen cashier, my confrontation with racism, and its impact on my mind. To begin with, I picked up a job at Dairy Queen my senior year of high school. My parents had surprised me with a brand-new truck so I wanted to give back to them. Every paycheck I earned went

  • Running The Front End

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    Depot for 6 months. My position there is a cashier. A few months have gone by and all I do is show up and do my job as a cashier. The cashiers have someone who runs the front end along with every register in the store, and that person is a head ashier. After what I see the head cashiers go through, I would never want to be a head cashier for the rest of my life. After four and a half months of working, I am just getting the hang of it. Being a cashier might sound easy, but over at Home Depot, it’s

  • My Naturalistic Observation

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    genuine, the women were shown to be more expressive of their emotions to the cashier. I only observed the interaction between the customer and the cashier a couple of times. I remember when the cashier greeted one women by saying, “Hello, How are you? Do you have your shoprite card with you today?” and the women smiled, continued the conversation, and replied, “Hi, I’m doing great! How are you?” as she handed the cashier her shoprite card. If I had observed the genuinity of all of the smiles, this

  • The Murder Of The Jacket-Personal Narrative

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    distract the cashier so he would steal a jacket. The cashier ran to see what happen, as the cashier left Larry ran to the front door and stole the leather jacket. The cashier saw him and yelled “Aye boy, get back here” and he chased Larry. Larry was hitting feet and was gone, but the Cashier was still on him. Then there was a fence Larry climbed up

  • Employee-Customer Relations in a Retail Store

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    Employee-Customer Relations in a Retail Store In a department store, where customers come to shop, customer-employee relations are a key element for the stores survival.Shopping is a major part of the life of almost every person in the country.The flow of money keeps business flowing.If no one spent his or her money, Business would cease to exist.The customer comes to the store expecting to be served, and the employees are trained (or are supposed to be trained) to please the customer.Businesses

  • Student Cafeteria Business Plan

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    hour to an hour before the rush period begins, have enough precooked meals available to accommodate the rush and precook the ingredients for the interactive station. We can also have the manager step in as the second cashier whenever a certain amount of time transpires. The cashier on duty can signal to the manager by hand gestures or a light when the wait time has exceeded two minutes, respectively. I also recommend that the layout of the cafeteria be changed. The new layout will give us better

  • Analysis Of CLA Food Market

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    items and having to go back and forth. The women who asked about the discounts and then the cashier rudely replied to her had an angered and confused expression because she didn’t get her questions fulfilled. The women next to her had a facial expression of incredulous because she couldn’t believe the cashier was being rude and letting her personal problems affect the way she treated customers. The cashier had a tired and irritated expression because she was tired from bagging and scanning items,

  • Max Weber Case Study

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    standard greeting at any McDonald spoken by the cashier before an order is taken. Once the greeting is spoken the cashier waits for the customer to place his/her order. As the customer is order his/her food the cashier place the order by pressing the button on the cashier register which contains the menu. By during this the cashier register notifies the kitchen to get ready because an order is coming through. Once customer has completed the order the cashier verify the order by reading it back to the

  • What Are The Characteristics Of A Waiter?

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    Waiter • A waiter should have a pleasing personality. • He or she must be flexible to do the works assigned to him/her. A waiter should be approachable enough and has a good communication skill in order to build good customer relationship. As a waiter you have to be friendly enough to deal with the customers complaints. • A skilled person who takes the order, serve food and drinks to customer and entertain the customer’s needs and wants. • It doesn’t need formal education to be qualified • A waiter

  • My Work Experience at Better Value

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    arrangements for me to meet her at the Plainfield Better Value since that was the store that needed a cashier. I had originally applied two towns away closer to my high school at the Better Value in Killingly. I was fairly nervous, because I had always thought that it would be fun to be a cashier at a grocery store. I remember the night before the interview I was day dreaming about how I would play cashier as a child with a toy cash register and plastic goods. The following day I when I arrived for my

  • Understanding Deviance: Societal Norms and Sanctions

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    declined. Finally, it was my turn to check out. Once the cashier told me my total, I pulled out my pennies and started to count. It felt like it was taking me forever. I was nervous and I felt bad for the cashier and the people behind me, especially the lady who let me in front of her. Then, the lady behind me left and moved to another line. I lost count and had to recount. I could see that the cashier was getting annoyed. She asked the cashier beside of her if she had to count the pennies after me

  • Why Is Walmart A Bad Place

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    time to check out; go to self checkout or checkout with a cashier. Ever wonder why some cashier have nasty look on their faces? Ever thought about working at walmart in general? No? Good, why? Because walmart is a worse place anyone could ever work at. I am a cashier at walmart, and I have been working there for couple months now. I loved the job when I first started, but now I hate it. This place is a total disaster, working as a cashier is definitely not an easy job, many customer think we’re always

  • Strategies to Make a Fast Food Restaurant Profitable

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    Introduction. There has been exponential rise in the number of eateries in most of the towns worldwide. This is partly brought about by the ballooning urban population, as well as the emergence of working middle class population who find themselves tied up by work in the cities they reside. Restaurants provide homogeneous products, though service delivery may differ from one place to another depending on the caliber of regular customers registered over a period of time as well as the target market