Bismuth Essays

  • Bismuth Research Paper

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    Bismuth Bismuth is the eighty-third element on the periodic table. It was first discovered in the Middle Ages, and was initially believed to be simply a development of lead, but was later discovered to be an individual, unique element, by a metallurgist named Georgius Agricola in the 16th century (“Metals.” 158). Bismuth is a member of the heavy metal family, and is the heaviest of all the heavy metals, as well as being the only non-toxic member of its family (Banks 122).It is a shiny, silvery,

  • ZOE Sealers

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    parts) Grossman's Sealer Zinc oxide reagent (42 parts) Staybelite resin (27 parts) Bismuth subcarbonate (15 parts) Barium sulfate (15 parts) Sodium borate, anhydrous (1 part) Eugenol Wach's Sealer Zinc oxide (10 g) Calcium phosphate (2 g) Bismuth subnitrate (3.5 g) Bismuth subiodide (0.3 g) Heavy magnesium oxide (0.5 g) Canada balsam (20 ml) Oil of clove (6 ml) Tubliseal Base and Accelerator Tubes Zinc oxide (57.4%) Bismuth trioxide (7.5%) Oleoresins (21.25%) Thymol iodide (3.75%) Oils (7.5%) Modifier

  • Banana Peel Lead Adsorption and the Removal of Heavy Metals

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    4.2 Discussion 4.2.1 Effects of Initial dosage on Lead Adsorption This experiments were carried out to investigate the potential of banana peel as adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal. For this experiment, the bisorbent is untreated and less remove of heavy metal than treated biosorbent. As can be seen from the result, at mass of 0.4g, the percent of removal was 37.38% and it gradually increase to 49.30% at 2.4g.From the result, it can be seen that the high dosage of absorbent, it more good removal

  • Creative Writing: Prison Break

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    Prologue Something is odd. I overheard my parents discussing some rapid change in the government. News like this frightens me. It scares me because it is reality. It is real. Not knowing much about politics, I immediately ask them what is going on. There was a lump in my throat. But they quickly switch the topic to avoid the question, as if I didn’t ask. I know they heard me. It makes me angry. I ask again, this time with a broad, stern voice. They both give each other a worried look. “Alexis

  • Narrative Essay About Soccer Game

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    People say that you never know what you have until it is gone. That was a statement I always heard, but never understood what it really meant. It was the 10th minute of the second half of our last preseason soccer game. We were losing 3-0. My entire team was depending on me to be the difference that changed the game. I heard my coaches screaming at me to get the ball to my feet. My parents were yelling at me from the stands to work harder. My teammates were anxiously screaming my name over

  • Descriptive Essay About Opening The Door

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    I knew I didn’t need to worry about opening the door partly because 1) She hates when someone opens the door for her and 2) She already had it open and was coming inside. Kylee Jade one of my closer friends since our 4th grade school year. Kylee had Butter Pecan brown hair that now had slight streaks of blonde to make it look more “summery” and it reached all the way down to her lower back. Her eyes where that of turquoise, and they had a slight feline shape to them. She was slightly smaller than

  • The Joyride

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    The Joyride Rain clouds began to tear themselves away from the jagged peaks of the Koolau range and rays broke through the clouds and beat down on the muddy water of Pearl Bay. Bobby glanced toward them, but his mind was elsewhere. He paced back and forth along the isolated stretch of the narrow beach. Now and then he would kick at loose pebbles along the muddy grey shoreline. For the moment, Bobby was still in his private world, consisting of little more than a strip of mud flat along one

  • Reflection Of The Group 5 Project

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reflection of the Group 5 Project Jennifer Thoman Wilkes University Reflection of the Group 5 Project This is only my third class in the Wilkes Instructional Media Program but I can say with certainty that it was the hardest. The class is about Project Based Learning so it only makes sense that part of it would be doing a project. But doing so on the computer with people you have not met and probably never will meet makes it hard. Add to that the fact you’re all

  • Analysis Of First Crush

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    As a somewhat alternative college student with a few tattoos throughout my body, as well as plans to get several more, I really enjoyed this short memoir piece. The first lines reads, “In my early twenties, I had a habit of getting a tattoo after breakup.” As a person who enjoys getting tattoos, I identified with this. I have this same urge to get tattoos whenever something negative happens in my life, but my lack of funds makes it impossible for me to do so. So I could only imagine if I was capable

  • My Life That Upset Me

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    There are small things in life that upset me. People who use the “R” word, when I forget what I was going to say, when cabinet doors are left open, and when I honestly, just do not know what I am doing in life. A year and a half ago I was out partying. I would spend my weekends with friends and not having a care in the world for anyone else. A few months later, I was sitting in the passenger seat of my boyfriend’s car crying my eyes out to him. He sat there, emotionless and staring forward. I had

  • Narrative Essay: The Dressers

    3233 Words  | 7 Pages

    His breath oozed with airy alcohol. Eleven weeks, and she’d been doing well. But birthdays were hard. This kid in front of her wasn’t even old enough to be drinking, but he was doing it. And she thought it was cute, the way he leaned on the support pillar in the musty basement, which made for a nice dance floor. He was refreshing. Quick with his words and slow with his ears, when it was his turn to listen. “Look, Amanda.. Amanda, right?” “Right.. What?” “How old do you think I am?”

  • Empathy essay- my life as a slave (capture to the auction)

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    MY INTRODUCTION TO SLAVERY We don’t have the same limitations as other people of different tribes do. I am a free woman, or shall I say I was a free woman. I am the wife of our tribes chief –Jankay Boto, that’s where I got my surname, Boto. Before my marriage I was a Touray. My father, or Paupa, was the chief of the tribe Adance. The two tribes, Adance and Denkyira, my husband’s tribe, are in the same village, Juffure. The two tribes have been friends for as long as anyone can remember, I mean they

  • Essay On Group Learning

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    Group Learning/Learning from Others Group learning and learning from others is basically how somebody successfully uses another person to learn information for themselves. It is a group of people that come together to combine their knowledge and thoughts in order to work together towards a goal. Some examples of ways that a group can execute this type of learning is by trial and error, talking through an issue with a group discussion, just a general conversation putting all of the group member’s

  • Reflective Essay On Electronics

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    After I 've noticed more of this generation using electronics for simple issues, I 've wondered to myself, "What 's with this generation using electronics more than usual? I 've done mostly everything by hand when I was their age.". Then, the answer popped into my head; it 's not the generation, it 's the electronics. We 're living in a society where the electronics that we use today are making us lose touch with ourselves. Limiting the amount of electronic use for myself is necessary because it

  • Tellurium Research Paper

    995 Words  | 2 Pages

    percent of it is found as a byproduct of copper. The rest is found in small deposits of bismuth, gold, and silver. The amount of telluride ores found can be large on these deposits, but is only cost effective to mine when bismuth, gold, and silver are also recovered. There are rumors that in China that there is a large deposit of Tellurium, but upon investigation into the mine it was determined that it was bismuth telluride ore. It is estimated that the amount of Tellurium that can be recovered in

  • The Effect Of Alloying Elements On Alloy Sacrificial Anode

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    The effect of alloying elements on aluminium alloy sacrificial anode was also studied and it was found that the alloying element which have large potential difference from aluminium resulted in alloys with potentials more anodic than unalloyed aluminium. Mercury, the potential of which differs most greatly from that of aluminium, caused a maximum effect on aluminium potential. Effect of some alloying elements on aluminium alloy as sacrificial anode is given below: 1. Magnesium: The solubility of

  • How Did Marie Curie Change The World

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everybody wants to do something that will change the world. Some people want to end wars by spreading peaceful messages of love. Others may want to make a less dramatic change by making areas of their community better. Scientist, allow their curiosity overtake themselves and their discoveries change the world. Luckily, that was the case for Marie Curie, a female scientist who made two game changing discoveries and allowed the world to see that women are also capable of succeeding in the sciences

  • Marie Sklodowska Biography

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    Marie Sklodowska was born Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was raised by two teachers who supported the idea of a good education. She was a great student and was always willing to learn but the education she desired was not available in Poland so when her sister, Bronya, went to Paris, Marie followed. Marie went to school in Paris to get a teaching diploma in mathematics and physics and then to return to Poland. She didn’t live with her sister and new brother-in-law because she liked the freedom she had

  • Tuskagee Syphilis Experiment Essay

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    treated for bad blood. They were promised free medical services, meals, and free burial insurance for participating in the study. When the study began the treatment for Syphilis was with mercury and bismuth. As proposed the treatment for Syphilis was initiated for the participants with mercury and bismuth with cure rate less than 30%. Due to great depression the funds for the study were cut, however the researchers decided to follow the men

  • Helicobacter Pylori Research Paper

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    Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Histologic Gastritis in Asymptomatic Persons This research was done by Cornelius P. Dooley, Hartley Cohen, Patrick L. Fitzgibbons, Madeline Bauer, Maria D. Appleman, Guillermo I. Perez-Perez, and Martin J. Blaser. It was done at the Departments of Medicine (C.P.D., H.C., M.B.) and Pathology (P.L.F., M.D.A.), Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center, and the Medical Service, Veterans Administration Medical Center Denver (G