Personal Experience: Me as a Writer

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I can remember the first day of school when I walked into Mrs. Mary Doe´s room and I wondered, “What am I going to learn this year?” Well, the answer to that question is a lot of information that will help me in the future, especially, how to make a great essay. This valuable information will take me into high school and beyond. This information is the roots of my writing that has made me greatly improved as a writer. This year I learned what kind of writing I like, how I write efficiently and fluently, and how I changed as a writer. One thing I learned in writing class this year is what I do that I am good and not good at writing. For instance, I learned what my strengths were. I have found out from the many pieces I have written that backing up my arguments with strong details, examples, and quotes has been something that I have been good at. I have realized this because I did really well on my community leader’s persuasive essay where you were to convince the leaders to use the money to what you think. I did a really good job and I realized that I was good at supporting. Maybe I should do speech and debate. Secondly, I found that I have some weaknesses. “Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” This quote by Marilyn Savant is really what sums up writing abilities. I have never been able to write creatively, only informational. I have not yet developed the ability to combine those two to make it “fun” yet informational. Sometimes, my greatest strengths come from my weaknesses. Finally I have learning the type of writing I like the best. Persuasive and informational are the two types of writing that I excel in. I am a person who does not think outside of the box; I just focus on the f... ... middle of paper ... ...persuasive will be the best type of writing because, as I said before, I am good at being convincing and give people reasons to believe me. To sum it up, the ways I have changed in writing are how improved my writing, how I changed my view on writing, and how I believe I will do as a writer in the future. In conclusion, I learned many different things this year about my writing abilities, including what kind of writing I like, how to write efficiently and fluently, and the many ways I changed as a writer. When I walked into Mrs. Means language arts class, I was expecting it to be similar to last year, but with different material. I was totally wrong. I was challenged a lot in language arts to keep up with assignments and due dates. Most importantly though, I learned how to write a quality paragraph; something that will travel with me for the rest of my life.

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