Indonesia: A Profile

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The countries that belong to the developing regions of the world have been confronted with a number of distinctive challenges within such a globalized economy, while their respective financial as well as their trade links have been closely tangled with those of powerful, developed countries in which it governed the international economic institutions. This paper outlined the key elements of the post-World War II development model of Indonesia. At the same time, there will be identification of the major changes as well as to the key theoretical influences.

Illustrating on a broad variety of this study, it researches about the developments in the world economy. With the elements to be mentioned, such strategies contribute to the adaptation of models from the rich countries to the developing countries. That is for the purpose of developing the most efficient in a global market-oriented economy. In the political and economic aspects of Indonesia, as how it can maximize its chances for success, and what exactly is the role of international financial and trade institutions in its development.

Most importantly, in order to attain the purpose of this paper, it includes theoretical views, and other related issues in relation to this subject. Furthermore, to cover the occurrence of the post-World War II as well as the comparison of some political issues pertaining to the development model applied, specifically in Indonesia. On the other hand, as to how all these affect to the development of the country and to their economic condition as a whole.

The Key Elements of the Post-World War II in Indonesia and

Changes and the Key Theoretical Influences

The National Revolution of Indonesian

Not like the Philippines and Burma...

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... 2001)

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