zoot suitor

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An aspect of the play that I feel was an important theme of the story was racism and how pachucos were discriminated against. The Zoot suit riots took place in Los Angeles, California during the 1940's and WWII. It was hard for the Latin Americans to be themselves because of the oddness and suspicion revolved around them. People would accuse them for being criminals because of their race and because they dressed a certain way. They were known as the "Zoot Suitors". They wore a suit that had long, broad shouldered coats with extra baggy pants that fit tight at the ankles. They wore a long chain pocket watch and a broad brimmed hat with a feather in it. This was the standard pachuco outfit for teenage boys. This was a way for Latinos to express themselves but many people thought about it as being gang related.
The story focuses on Henry Reyna, gang leader of 38th street gang, and his gang being discriminated against for a murder that they didn’t commit due to the fact they were Hispanic and the way they dressed. On August 1, 1942, Henry and some of his friends were involved in a fight...

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