Youth Pastors

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“It takes a certain degree of strangeness to be a youth pastor”. This is a quote from a member of the church I attend which I believe helps define the personality of a youth pastor. Being a youth pastor can definitely cause stress in one’s life, but the ministry itself is very rewarding. As a youth pastor, one is expected to share the gospel openly at the times there is a youth function going on. As you do that, you are also expected to create bonds and build relationships with the teens and children. The pay is not very great typically, but no one should be doing this job for the money, it should be about the youth! Choose your staff wisely as well to assure that there are fun adults for the kids to look up too, but also ones who put …show more content…

It is true that youth pastors will make lessons and then study their bibles to teach to youth and answer questions they may have, but it does take a lot more work than one may think. The lesson has to be able to keep the attention of the teens or children being taught, which can be extremely difficult to do. This is especially true when there is a broad range of ages in the crowd being taught. Youth events such as camp, all-nighters, and any other bizarre idea the youth pastor can think of is another task needing done. Some youth pastors will fit the stereotype of just basically being a teacher to the students, but a good youth pastor plans out events to do to have fun with the youth. Getting enough food, handling the youth budget, and going through safety issues can be very stressful, but it is a job that a youth pastor should do. These events can really help build relationships between the youth and the staff members which is another task the youth pastor should do. Building relationships with the youth is one of the most important parts of being a youth pastor. It will give them a positive, role model to look up to and will make them want to come back to hear the gospel more. Youth pastors may seem like they got it easy, but there is a lot more to the job than it really

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