Theology of Youth Ministry

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The desire to be accepted is prevalent among youth today. In a world that is currently suffering from a famine of love that is intended to be given to today’s youth, more and more we see students that desire to be accepted, yet feel accepted by no one. Because of this we see them decide to reach out, and as they do they become accepted into a group that is not a good influence on them, or simply is wasting their time. Here we will look at what exactly the bible tells us in the issue of acceptance, and how it would look in the average youth ministry today. We will then look into how we will follow up with students past their fist visit and finally what utilizing the idea of acceptance to its full potential will do for a ministry.
Teens more than anything else feel the desire to belong to a group, this may be with friends, or even clubs. This is why we see things like sports teams, book studies, and pep rally’s. While students may find joy or entertainment from these things, the real reason why they do it is to belong to a group of people that care for one another. In fact the core reason for people to do gang like activities is because of thier desire to belong to a group where they feel accepted. Even people like the jocks and cheerleaders feel this desire and in youth ministry the only thing we can do with this is learn from it and use to it our advantage. In the society that we live in today though, youth groups are towards the bottom of the list often times as cool places to belong to. It’s becoming almost politically incorrect to invite a friend to youth group and sometimes can be seen as offensive to do so. But while these other groups may be easy to become a part of, a healthy a strong youth ministry can provide students wi...

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...tial ideas and theologies that are absolutely the cornerstone to having a healthy ministry. Ideas like community, grace, love, and forgiveness could all have their own paper written for them individually, but acceptance is absolutely essential to any ministry. To accept someone into your family, just like the father in the story of the prodigal son, is to share all of these values listed above. By accepting them we are showing them grace, love, forgiveness and belonging, that each and everyone one of them so desperately desires. If we as youth pastors can embrace acceptance and also use it genuinely and not as a technique for recruiting, then surely our ministry will grow both in numbers and in depth in the knowledge of the word of God. By doing exactly what God does for us, we can show His love, His grace and His mercy by simply accepting others into our family.

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