Pastor Interview Essay

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I was very surprised at a few facets as I ventured my way through these job descriptions. One of the first things I noticed is how few full time positions there were on this list. I had always figured a church position would be a full time job because that is the kind of church I grew up in. However, to see that a worship pastor’s position was only a 10 hour a week commitment was quite surprising, but that makes sense in a smaller church. Thus, it has caused me to think about new opportunities for other part time work outside of the church. I suppose I’ve never really thought of a back up plan because I was so sure I would be in a full time pastor position. Another aspect of this list that surprised me was the minimum maturity level. I was …show more content…

I truly believe this is the place in my life I am being called, equipped, and gifted. I also believe it is where I most naturally fit when it comes to the requirements of the job description. My heart feels drawn towards creating unity in a team of creatives who are passionate about worshipping, creating, and leading people to the foot of the cross in worship. Worship music gives people the opportunity to express their heart to God in words that they may not have even known they needed to sing, but also unites the voice of the entire congregation and orients us together towards God. I don’t think there is a formula of how to lead people into worship, but I am so deeply intrigued by the different ways to lead congregations, and I believe worship is a place that is constantly changing and growing in new expressions and voice to give to the church. One part of this job description that I really appreciated was the correlation it expressed in planning worship sets in correlation with the senior pastor. I have not been in a worship position where I actually got to sit and pray through the worship sets with the senior pastor. In my experience the senior pastor has either told us what he wants and we do it, or he just gives us all the responsibility and does not really care how we lead the time. However, I truly believe communication with the senior pastor about worship can be one of the most edifying planning aspects for a meaningful worship service that leads people into worship, the spoken sermon, and response

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