Youth Group Reflection

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Youth Group:
I attend youth group at my methodist church. Every year we fast for 30 hours in a fundraiser to raise money for the international Christian charity, World Vision; we run door-to-door food drives to donate to local downtown soup kitchens; we organize food and goods for those food kitchens; and we provided many miscellaneous services such as volunteering at the pumpkin patches, organizing goods at the World Vision warehouse, collecting used clothing to donate, writing letters and cards to nursing homes and deployed soldiers, and many other activities. What’s special about my experience in the youth group though was the circumstances we work with; I've been in the youth group since I was 11 years old, and those 7 years have often been tumultuous for the church’s leadership. From upset families leaving the church to a revolving door of pastors to sudden risignments of youth group leaders, church life hasn't always been smooth sailing. Despite this however, our group was inexorable on serving God and our community and we rose above the drama. The experiences I had taught me to focus and cooperate during controversial times.
STEM/ Robotics:
As part of my school's Sci-Tech program and …show more content…

I was able to watch first hand how each of these kids combined the values and beliefs of their original countries with the apparent Americanization. Each of them demonstrate varying dedication to their faith. Some older boys had been fasting during this month for Ramadan, while others were too young. About half the students wouldn’t eat the sandwiches one day because of pork in it. The Nepali girl wore a bindi and eye makeup, but each of these kids acted in a way that you would expect of any child of the age, foreign parents or not. They conversed with their siblings and their parents in a different language, and they spoke english

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