You Save Yourself, Or You Remain Unsaved Analysis

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When someone is going through a hard time, they react to the situation in their own way. Some resort to those around them for help while others shut people out and deal with the situation by themselves. Alice Sebold, in Lucky, states that “You save yourself, or you remain unsaved”. Nobody can save a person, because in the end, the choice of moving on/being saved always comes down to that person. One can only hope they helped lead them to the right path. For starters, it is hard to believe someone when they say that things will get better. There are several questions that come along with that statement, such as when and how. Some time ago, I was placed in a foster home and I could not be with my parents. It was probably one of the most difficult times of my life and many hardships came along with it. During the time, that I was in the foster system, I had to live with the pain that came with not being able to do the things I used to do everyday and not seeing the people that were my friends and family. Authority figures would tell me that things would get better and that it would all be alright, but what they didn't tell me is that it would come with future battles of oneself. They didn't understand that I faced problems of feeling alone and empty, because that didn't matter to them. I became convinced that I had to fight the battle …show more content…

While others can help you and get to you adapt and push you to go forward it is up to you to fully make the decision to save yourself from your hardships. Others will not be there to pull you out of the dark each time. When they do they leave you on the edge so when they leave you fall back into the dark. You have to be the one to pull yourself out and keep yourself out. “Don't depend too much on anyone in this world. Because, even your own shadow leaves you in the darkness”, this shows that in the end you can only truly rely on yourself to help

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