World War Z Summary

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World War Z is set in an apocalyptical time, when a disease causes people to turn, essentially, into zombies. The story starts out as the main character, Gerry Lane and his family are stuck in gridlocked traffic in Philadelphia. The zombies start to attack people while they are in the traffic. As they try to escape the chaos, they have their first encounter with a “zombie.” This zombie bit a guy in his car, and Gerry noticed that it took 12 seconds, for the man who was bit too, to also turn into a zombie. He then tries to attack others. Luckily, Gerry and his family escaped out of the city and into the countryside, where Gerry calls his friend in the UN, who he use to work with.
Gerry, before the apocalypse, was a UN Investigator and he worked …show more content…

This includes Dr. Fissbach, who accidentally kills himself with his gun running away from the zombies. They finally get into the base, where a conversation with one of the soldiers tells Gerry that the zombies are attracted to sound. Later on, another conversation with a inmate, former CIA agent arrested for selling weapons, tells Gerry that Israel had closed up Jerusalem, creating a safe zone, before the outbreak had been announced. Gerry next decides to go to Israel to figure out how they had prior knowledge about the apocalypse. On their way back to the plane, a few of the soldiers are killed by zombies, but the pilot and Gerry are able to make it out of the base on the …show more content…

After battling with zombies, Gerry makes it to the safe, and Segen and the scientist go back to A wing. Gerry, now stuck in the safe because of a zombie outside the door, decides to infect himself with one of the disease, to try pass by the zombies. Gerry grabs a box full of other diseases and opens the safe door. It turns out that his camouflage theory was correct because the zombie walks right by him. When Gerry gets back to A wing, he is treated, and leaves with

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