Apocalypse Essay: How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

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How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Have you ever wondered what a zombie apocalypse would be like? Have you ever dreamed of what you could do if there was? What materials would you need to survive? Here are some ways you can prevent a zombie apocalypse from killing and eating the only smart piece of your body. Your brain! Honestly though, why don’t the zombies become smart when they eat your brains?
First of all, we all know that zombies are like blind fish swimming in the ocean. They can’t walk very fast, and they aren’t smart, but always make sure to have some weapons and items with you when a zombie apocalypse starts. Have a knife so you’ll be able to kill the zombies or your friends if you loathe them. Also, make sure to have a gun and …show more content…

You don’t want to die alone now do you? Grab a partner or a friend as a meat shield so you can run away while they stand there getting slaughtered. Make sure you find some shelter and a nice secure door so they won’t be able to get in because zombies love breaking the doors down. If you’ve lost your mind because you’re not smart, you might hide in a house and be scared to death. Use your brain and go out there! Your brain might not be the most powerful tool for fighting, but you might’ve been dead before you could even fight with your brain. Fight ‘till every last zombie has died or until you died because your brain probably won’t help you at all with math equations, and writing essays because that’s not the point in the zombie …show more content…

But your friend or spouse or children in the future might think it’s photoshopped. Maybe go to bed so the next thing you’ll see in the morning are a bunch of people and zombies trying to get inside the house that you’re tightly secured in. Maybe take a shower because you don’t want that zombie disease or just don’t worry about the zombie apocalypse at all and play video games and relax in your house instead. If you don’t want someone secretly sneaking into your house, put some booby traps around your house so that they’ll kill themselves when they walk on one, and then you will as well. Make sure to have make-up if you’re a girl because you may want to put some on if you want to attract some

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