Workplace Observation

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In the morning I plan to walk thirty minutes before getting ready for work. When I arrive to work, I will park further away from the door, so I have to walk a longer distance. Instead of taking the elevator, I will walk up two flights of stairs. Once I get to work, I will be sedentary until lunch time. Around twelve I will leave for lunch. Again, I will walk down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Since I parked far from the main door, I will have a slight walk to my car. Once I return from lunch, I will park in or near the parking space I was previously. However, after my day is over, I will return home and work on cooking dinner, cleaning, helping my child with her homework before she goes to bed. Around eight, my daughter lays down for bed. This gives me time to work on my homework before bed. However, before I lay down for the night, I will walk on my treadmill for another thirty minutes.
I will repeat this routine Monday through Friday. On Saturday, I plan to walk thirty minutes to an hour after breakfast. After walking, I will work on an ab routine. Since it has been awhile since I have worked out, I do not want to overwork my muscles. …show more content…

113). For instance, the past few weeks have been very stressful due to a family member becoming ill. I was only able to complete about thirty minutes of moderate activity throughout my week. That was less than 200 steps that I took by walking from my car to my desk, and coming home and cleaning. Unfortunately, due to the stress, I was unable to get up in the morning to walk thirty minutes on my treadmill. To increase my steps this week, I plan to get up and walk on my treadmill. I also, have several things that I need to clean in my house. Another thing I attend to do is get my Fitbit working to track my steps more

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