Working Hurt Teens Success In School And Life By Steven Greenhouse Summary

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Working Hurts Teens Success “By emphasizing lifestyle and consumerism too early, teenagers often hurt their chances for successful careers,” said Steven Greenhouse, the author of the article “Working Can Jeopardize Teens Success in School and Life”. Greenhouse mentions in the argument that working and attending school at the same time can be very difficult for a teenager. For example ,high school is full of stress which includes homework, deadlines for assignments ,exams and social pressure. Add work to the equation and that will be a recipe for disaster. The author is claiming that teens working while in school will lower their grades and hurt their futures. With evidence of an afterschool job doing more harm than good, the author and his …show more content…

Teens are often injured on the job due to unsafe equipment; they often don’t get enough training and there are also stressful conditions. Teens are sometimes exposed to inappropriate behavior by older adults; such as alcohol and smoking which might lead them to copy their older coworkers (Greenhouse). This can be unhealthy for teens since they are still in school . Teens are twice as likely to get injured than their older coworkers and an average of 795,000 youth are treated for nonfatal injuries in U.S. hospital emergency departments each year (“Stats and Stories”). Most of these injuries happen while working in a restaurant or in a retail store. But regardless where they work there is always the risk. So the workplace can be more dangerous than it may appear, and this is why teens should limit their working …show more content…

Having family time can strengthen self esteem. It has been shown that kids and teens become more sociable, which can help them build relationships easier. Another outcome is that it can promote positive behavior. Debra Pachucki has stated in her article “How does Spending Time as a Family Affect Children” and quote “teens tend to do better in their studies and are less likely to engage in violent behavior if they have family meals together”. And while they are engaging with each other, they can discuss anything that is on their mind and can release stress. It would be like a therapy session with the family. Of course there are other factors such as wanting to hang out with friends and after school activities that keep them away from home. But if they work on their spare time they will distance themselves from the

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