Analysis Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai

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In the essay, “Working at McDonald’s” Amitai Etzioni states that working at McDonald’s for teenagers is not a good for their current studies and future. I agree with him that working for teenagers in McDonald are not good under some circumstances and in the long term. Working in McDonald’s affect on the individual academic performance and also it affects on their attendance.
According to Etzioni, “large amounts seem to flow to pay for an early introduction into the most trite aspects of American consumerism: flimsy punk clothes, trinkets, and whatever else is the last fast-moving teen craze”. I totally agree with him that the all teenagers spend their all money on themselves. They buy all unnecessary items that not even related to their studies. Even though they …show more content…

Others who had sports activities they start skipping their daily activities and soon they decided to quit because of the work. Author states, “who begin as part-time employees in fast-food chains drop out of high school”. I totally agree with him because when teenagers start earning the money they start focusing more on the work, so they can make more money. So they work more hours including the weekends also. By doing this they don’t pay attention on their studies and their grades start dropping down. Eventually when they get overloaded with work and studies, they decided to give up and drop out the high school. He states, “Learning is not automatically educational or wholesome”. I think author trying to say that working on the cash register doesn’t mean that you will know the counting 1-100. In order to know how to count the money or greet the customer, you need to go to school. It can give teenager some experience of the cash register but it will not provide them the accountant job. In order to have the accountant title or job, they need to go to the school and finish their

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