Mcjobs Are Bad For Kids Summary

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The skills learned while working at a fast food restaurant are not always from what you are directly taught on the job. In the article “The Fast-Food Factories: McJobs are Bad for Kids,” the author, Amitai Etzioni, explains how fast food jobs hinder learning and the participation of students in school. Etzioni claims that while a fast food job provides income, it does not provide knowledge or skills that would be learn from other jobs such as carpenting, as well as stating that jobs like these dampen creativity. While I agree with some of the author's statements, such as students having a hard time balancing work and school, the author also makes claims that are not correct. Etzioni’s two main arguments are that “these jobs undermine school …show more content…

The problem with the useful skills he is speaking about is that they usually require some kind of background, but he does not think of the useful skill learned from a fast food restaurant such as communication, problem solving, and management. Other points Etzioni had such as undermining school attendance, not being able to be creative, and “blind obedience” with the boss. As for students skipping school to attend work, that has to do with the discipline of the student, if they are going to skip they are most likely going to skip school and work. Or they will skip school and wait till school ends to attend work. Also most places that employ students know what time school is released and have the scheduled to work after that. As for creativity, work in a fast food restaurant is not the correct place to express it. Etzioni even contradicts himself with his story about the “severance pay” that workers would take and the “blind obedience” with the boss. Most workers don't usually even agree with what bosses say, workers tend to group together and help each

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