Zombie Apocalypse Essay

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Zombies are the new era of scary and terrifying as mummies and Frankenstein’s were in the past. Zombies are drastically exaggerated with special effects and scientific plots of disease outbreaks. Zombies have revolutionized video games, movies, and cartoons. The zombie franchise is very successful in this generation and will continue to be until we find a new source of attraction. So what is a Zombie? Will there ever be a zombie apocalypse? What will you do if a zombie apocalypse where to occur?
Zombie, a term used to classify a dead, but not so dead human who has been affected in “the brain’s frontal lobes…and impairment in the cerebellum” by the virus in a book written by Dr. Steven Schlozman, named “The Zombie Autopsies”(Source C). The definition

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