Why We Should Not Have Too Much Homework For Students

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Is there too much homework for students? Many middle school, high school, and college students get too much homework. There are many reasons why there should be less homework for students in middle school, high school, and college. The main reason students should not have a lot of homework is because it can affect your health and wastes time. Nevertheless some people disagree with this argument. Homework is unhealthy, if given too much. A great deal of stress is added because of the homework as indicated by a Stanford researcher which is why it’s unhealthy. Stress can cause anxiety, less sleep, bad grades, fatigue, unhealthy eating habits, depression, and so much more. Due to the fact that homework adds stress it contributes to the amount of yearly suicides. Homework by itself may not cause suicidal thoughts, but it contributes. Also in some occasion there is just too much homework to finish it in time, and much more commonly there is not enough time to get the recommended amount of sleep with the homework completely done. These are some of the reasons why homework should not be mandatory. …show more content…

It isn’t advised to do more than ten minutes times your grade level because it turns to work that does not improve your academic skills, according to Harris Cooper. If the homework isn’t helping you academically, why do students get so much of it? If there was less homework there would be less grading time for teachers, so they can do more of what they want, as well as the students. Homework isn’t a very productive use of time to a degree. These are only some of many reasons why there should less

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