Why We Should Not Have Homework Essay

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Should or should not have homework There are many pros and cons to a lot of things and places. One very particular place that has a lot pros and cons is schools. My argument is schools should/should not have homework.The side I am going for is the con side.I picked this side because of many reasons. The most obvious reason I picked the con side would be because of the danger. One piece of evidence that stood out to me would be that homework can cause suicidal thoughts or action. This is concerning to me and and others because if you are a parent you don’t want your child thinking that,if you are a sibling you don’t want your sibling thinking that,and if you are family or friends you don’t want them thinking that. One of the highest areas of these thoughts and actions are with early teens and teenagers. This is a tragic thing and this is only one of any reasons why we should take away homework. Another concerning topic homework can lead to is depression.Depression is concerning but it can also lead to other things for younger kids and older. For younger it can cause them to think or feel differently,try actions/things they are way to young for,and …show more content…

This can also be caused because of eating habits and times.We all love chips and candy and sometimes we can eat it but when you eat it and then go straight to working on homework it cause weight gain.When you don’t eat anything and go straight to working on homework that can lead to weight loss.This could be concerning to parents because your child is not getting the right nutrients it

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