Why Is It Important To Have Babies Later?

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kid from birth to the age of 22 that the total dollar amount spent on a kid can reach a million dollars. This is really a crazy amount. That is why parents in today's times are saving up money so they are financially ready to take on the birth of a child. Also many parents moms especially need to get their careers started. Well it is very hard to have a baby when you're 19- 22 years old. This is the time that most people go to college to earn their degrees. If you have a baby a lot of mothers don’t finish college and will drop out or never attend. So for the sake of getting their careers started, moms and dads will wait longer to get all settled in. That is why we are seeing these couple waiting so long to have kids. Another reason why we are seeing so many people having their babies later is because it is safer for a mid-20 year old to have their baby then a teenager. The younger you are the harder the birth is. Child labor is something that only fully developed women should go threw, for it to be the most successful. I know some women mature at faster rates but, it is not the healthiest thing for teenagers to be having babies. That is why way back in the 1950s and …show more content…

Years ago people got married to start a family and to raise kids, That was just what you did. In today's world people think more about themselves, and live with a much more individualistic mindset. Nowadays people get married for love. They get married to their parent because they want their partner to make them happy. Well as we have found out marriages can be tough at times and they are not always easy. Couples usually get divorced because they are no longer happy. They are thinking about their own happiness and once that person doesn’t bring them any happiness most couples are done with the relationship. This is a way of thinking in society that has changed the divorce

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