Why Did Joseph Stalin Start The New American Famine

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So, what was Holodomor? Holodomor was an event that happened from 1932 to 1933. This event was led by the Russian leader Joseph Stalin, who was the dictator of Russia at the time. Stalin didn’t want Ukraine (part of The Soviet Union at the time) to revolt and become their own country, states “The New American”. There could have been many other peaceful ways to stop the revolt, but Stalin insisted on another way... starving them to death.

Why though? Russia and Ukraine had always disliked each other, says “The New American”. And at some point the Soviets forced the Ukranians to become a country with them, but after a while Ukraine had enough. But Stalin did not want a revolt against him, so he started a famine against Ukraine so they could not revolt against him, explains “The Ukrainian Genocide”. …show more content…

Because Stalin Was the main power in Russia, he created many laws that would start a famine for the Ukrainian peasants.For example, many people were forced to stop farming completely. By mid 1932, nearly 75% of the farms in the Ukraine had been robbed of their crops. On Stalin's orders, the amount of shipped goods from the Ukraine, were drastically increased in August, October and again in January 1933, until there was no food remaining to feed the peasants of the Ukraine, describes “The New American”.

The Holocaust is very similar to Holodomor. Both were because of one person in power decided to change things. They both mainly focused on one race or religion. They both also forced rules upon the people they were focusing on, except Hitler took it to the next level, he basically kidnapped people and killed them in terrible ways. A way they are different is that Hitler had many ways to exterminate people, while Stalin just left the peasants on the street to starve to death. The Holocaust killed around 6 million people, Holodomor killed somewhere between 2.5 and 7.5 million people, says “The New

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