The Berlin Wall and The Holocaust

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The holocaust was a time of destruction or slaughter on a mass scale caused by fire or nuclear war. During the holocaust millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis during WWII. The Berlin Wall was a time in which a barrier was constructed in 1961 to separate East Berlin from west Berlin. I believe that the holocaust and the Berlin Wall made great impacts to many and had many alikes. They both had similar situations and in both the Germans were involved as was the killing.
To begin with the holocaust had a great impact in history even though it was a time of disaster, murder, and discrimination. It was a time in which Adolf Hitler,German politician and Nazi party leader, wanted all Jews suffering or dead. Adolf Hitler turned everyone against the Jews because he believed that they were to wealthy and too powerful so he wanted to eliminate all of them. The Jews went through a lot of suffering and pain. The German soldiers which took commands from their leader, Adolf Hitler, put some Jews to work and killed others. Many Jews didn't get to work they were killed instantly. All women were separated from the man and woman were mostly killed instantly only some got the opportunity to work. The some ways that the jews were killed is that they were put into gas chambers by tons or shot by soldiers. Jews were also dying by starvation dehydration soldiers would not give them enough food or water. They would only want those with blue eyes and blonde hair they discriminated all the others. Soldiers would not only kill the Jews but torture them for anything they did. The Jews would be transported from camp to camp walking even in the worst weather conditions which also many died from it.
The Berlin Wall was created at the end of World War II...

... middle of paper ... to get past the guards, checkpoints, and borders. The escapes or attempts to escape made a great impact for others in the camps or on the other side some took it as motivation to fight for freedom. That there was still a chance for them to have a better life than what they were living. As for the Jews all they wanted was to be free and not be living through what they were through all the torture and suffering to be able to see their families happy again and not going into the gas chambers to die.
To conclude both the Berlin Wall and the Holocaust were similar in many ways. In both they were fighting for freedom. As for the soldiers all they wanted was an opportunity to kill with no regrets but just orders from their leaders. For everyone today is still talking and researching about the history made in the past and talking about the impacts that they both made.

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