Why Cheating Is Wrong

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Cheating is wrong. There is no way of explaining cheating whether it is plaigiarizing, or just finding an easier way to win. you can get caught cheating and have gotten yourself in alot of trouble.cheating is not only morally wrong,but it is just a poor excuse for not getting the work done. First thing, plaigiarism is a common way of cheating, if you attend a university and you plaigiarise you can get kick out of school for a stupid act.as a matter of fact plaigiarism is stealing. Someone else took their time and effort to think their own thoughs and create new ideas for, for you to just take it like that is very wrong and disrespectful.

You'll be suprise if you just take the time to create your own ideas aside from taking someone else yours might ven be better. on one side from plaigiarism, cheating can be morally wrong in terms of your classmate, family, or friends. If you cheat on your classmate it would hurt them badly. It could lead to the end of that friendship. Lastly cheating a game or competition is just disgraceful to you and your team. If you cant wind with your hard work, then you didn't deserve winning in the first place. …show more content…

it feels better when you win victory to your won hard work. for example in football some of biggest player in history have been caught up using steroids to gain alot of energy and power. It is not fair to the other player where they are out their busting there buts trying to be good as you while you are over there cheating. Cheating is the same as lying. each time you hand in someone else work but saying its yours is lying and

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