Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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The play of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about to young lovers who fell in love with each other, but their families had a feud. Romeo and Juliet fell madly in love with each other and even killed their selves because they cannot live without each other. Their love made changes in their families’ life. There are characters who did many things, which causes very bad results on Romeo and Juliet’s lives. Many people could be responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. However, parents and Friar Laurence are the most responsible for their deaths. The parents are the most responsible ones for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Their enmity, hate, and feud made their kids commit suicide. If Romeo told his parents about Juliet, they will not agree to marry him Juliet because her parents are their enemies. Juliet’s dad forces her to marry Paris, and he said that she is not welcome to live with them if she did not agree to marry Paris. Otherwise, she is going to be homeless in the streets. Since they cannot be together because of their parents’ feud and hate to each other. Romeo and Juliet did not have any option at that time. They committed suicide for their love to …show more content…

Friar Laurence is the priest of the church. He is the one who helps Romeo and Juliet to marry. He also makes plans with Romeo and Juliet to help them. He gives her a poison to drink; the poison made her appear dead for forty-eight-hours. He also sends a letter to Romeo telling him about the plan, but unfortunately, he did not receive the letter. Romeo’s servant Balthasar told him that Juliet died. Romeo rushed to her grave, and he bought a poison to drink and he kills himself. After he sees Juliet dead in front of his eyes, he decides to kill himself. After a while, Juliet wakes up and she sees her Romeo dead; she decides to kill herself too. This has happened because of Friar Laurence’s

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