What Is The Setting Of 22-63 By Stephen King

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11/22/63 by Stephen King is interesting because of its back-in-time setting, unexpected plot twists, and unique story unlike other novels by Stephen King. Although the story takes place in modern day 2011, a time travel portal takes the setting back to 1958. “I turned and walked slowly into the pantry, moving like a man trying to locate the top of a staircase with the lights out. On my third step, I found it” (123). The pantry inside of a restaurant takes people back to 1958 which is something unique about this story. The characters are able to transition between time periods and maintain their personalities. This interesting aspect adds a twist to the story. Speaking of twists, the unexpected plot twists also make this novel interesting to read. …show more content…

While Jake Epping is carrying out his plan, Bill Turcotte shows his true colors. “‘I mean he’s mine, Amberson. That son of a bitch killed my little sister, and if anyone puts a bullet in him… or a blade’ --he brandished the bayonet in front of his pale, grim face-- ‘it’s going to be me’” (252-3). Stephen King makes you believe that Bill Turcotte is just as grumpy and watchful as the other men in Derry, but Bill Turcotte turns out to have a secret plan which is killing Frank Dunning. Thanks to the unexpected plot twists like this one, this novel is a page turner and an interesting piece of art. The biggest thing that is noticeable about this novel is that it unlike other Stephen King novels. Stephen King typically writes in the horror genre, but in this book he writes in the historical fiction and partially science fiction genre. For example, Stephen King talks about the culture in Maine in 1958 through his fictional story. “They were doing a Lindy variation I knew as the

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