Vietnam War Essay

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The Vietnam War was a war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1st 1955 to the fall of Saigon on April 30th 1975. This war was fought between the North Vietnamese Viet Cong and the government of South Vietnam. The criticism of the war in Vietnam started out as a reaction to President Johnson’s policy of fighting for a limited purpose and a negotiated peace in Vietnam. Criticism is valuable because it helps to correct communal procedures. That is a great advantage of exposed societies. But criticism works only if those in control have a sufficient intellect in order to recognize when a policy has gone wrong. The Vietnam War and its leaders is a "monument to the failure of that necessary wisdom" (Lewis). The supporters were known as “hawks.” As the President escalated the war effort, and became a hawk himself, his chief critics who disagreed with the war became known as “doves,” which included college students, faculty, and several other people who felt that the war was corrupt, was promoting no advantage for the US, and was increasing the number of casualties. But the Doves’ access to this goal is restricted: the war drags on. Many disaffected doves adapt to this situation by rebellion. They reject …show more content…

They felt the war was only a civil war in Vietnam between north and south and we did not have a reason to interfere. Some people supported the communist determination in South Vietnamese forces and hoped for a defeat of the United States, the major contributor to capitalism and destroyer of communism. Many Americans felt that we were fighting a small, unimportant county, while they should be fighting major opponents, such as China and the Soviet Union. There were many demonstrations against the war such as sit-ins in colleges and high schools, rallies for proponents and opponents of the war, and editorials written for and against the

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